Courses and conferences

PhD courses

The PhD courses are free of charge and open for all PhD students as far as space allows. The courses are held in English and in real life if nothing else is specified.

You can sign up to the courses via the link below each course until the last date of application. Those who have signed up will get an answer soon after the deadline.

Before you can be registered to the course you need to hand in a certificate of registration from your home university which shows that you are registered as a PhD student. To get access to the course page you need to activate a student account at Uppsala University.

Do you have questions about the content of the course? Please contact the course director.

Do you have questions about the application to the PhD courses? Please contact Golondrian Janke administrator, third-cycle studies.

Perspectives on Science and Research - FHS0021, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: in the autumn 2025.

Course director: Fredrik Tell

The course is obligatory within the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

Seminars and Thesis Work - FHS0040, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: 2024-11-21 -- 2024-12-19 in Uppsala.

Course director: Christina Keller

The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

Research in Information Systems and Informatics - FHS0091, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: 2025-02-05 -- 2025-04-29 in Visby, Uppsala and Lund.

Course director: Pär Ågerfalk

The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

You can apply to Research in Information Systems and Informatics until 2025-01-15.

Research on Information Technology in Organization and Management - FSA0002, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: 2025-04-02 -- 2025-06-04 in Uppsala, Stockholm, Karlstad and online.

Course director: Einar Iveroth

The course is obligatory within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

You can apply to Research on Information Technology in Organization and Management until 2025-03-15.

Here you can see information about other courses which are offered to PhD students in the research school.

Introduction to Multivariate Statistics - FHS0024, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: In the autumn 2025.

Course director: James Sallis

The course is obligatory within the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and is offered within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

You can apply to Introduction to Multivariate Statistics until 2024-10-20.

Design Science Research in Information Systems - EIN002F, 7,5 hp

The course is given as a hybrid course, in Lund and online during the period January - June 2025.

Course director: Osama Mansour

The course is offered within the Research School of Management and IT.

You can apply to Design Science Research in Information Systems via e-mail to until 9 December 2024.

Qualitative Methods - FHS0022, 7,5 hp

The next time the course will be given: ca September-October 2025.

Course director: Linda Wedlin

The course is obligatory for PhD students from the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University as a part of the SUBS programme (Stockholm Uppsala Business Studies) and is offered within the Research School of Management and IT and these PhD students are given priority.

Coming spring conferences - MITSC

MITSC 2025 Örebro University, Örebro, 2025-03-18--2025-03-20.

Coming autumn conferences - MITAC

MITAC 2025 Uppsala University, Uppsala September/October 2025. Dates and times to be announed.

Other conferences to which research school participants are invited

To be announced.

Previous conferences held by the research school

MITAC 2024 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2024-10-01 13:00--2024-10-03 12:00

Best Reviewer Award: Lovisa Annerwall Mälardalen University and Mathias Forsgren, Uppsala University

During the conference it was possible to listen to the Uppsala Lectures in Business with Johanna Mair, Professor of Organization, Strategy, and Leadership, Hertie School, Berlin.

MITSC 2024 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2024-04-16 13:00--2024-04-18 12:15

Best Reviewer Award: Amirhossein Gharaie, Linköping University

MITAC 2023 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2023-10-17 13:00--2023-10-19 13:00

Best Reviewer Award: Oscar Swinden, Uppsala University

Ott Velsbergs webinarium (video) (från 231017).

Uppsala Lectures in Business 2023 2023-10-18--2023-10-19. The lecturer 2023 was Bruce Kogut, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Columbia Business School och Professor of Sociology, Columbia University.

MITSC 2023 Mälardalen University, Västerås 2023-04-18--2023-04-20

Best Reviewer Award: Panagiota Peggy Koukouvinou, Umeå University

Welcome to MITSC 2023 in Västerås.

MITAC 2022 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2022-10-04--2022-10-06

Best Reviewer Award: Kristin Svärd, Karlstad University

Uppsala Lectures in Business 2022 2022-10-03--2021-10-05. The lecturer 2022 was Professor Sarah Kaplan, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada.

MITSC 2022 Umeå University, Online 2022-03-22--2022-03-24

Best Reviewer Award: Sara Bomark, Umeå University

MITAC 2021 Uppsala Universitet, Online 2021-10-05--2021-10-06

Best Reviewer Award: Tim Kastrup, Uppsala University

Uppsala Lectures in Business 2021 2021-10-05--2021-10-06. The lecturer 2021 was professor Eero Vaara, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK.

MITSC 2021 Linnaeus University, Online 2021-05-18--2021-05-20

Best Reviewer Award: Jakob Westergren, Uppsala University

Gerald Midgleys keynote (pdf), Gerald Midgleys keynote (pptx), An Introduction to Systems Thinking for Tackling Wicked Problems (a video from the lecture held at Linnaeus University 2021-03-12).
Jim Spohrer's keynote (slides).

MITAC 2020 Uppsala University, Online 2020-09-29--2020-10-01

Best Reviewer Award: Emil Åkesson, Lund University, LTH, Faculty of Engineering

MITSC 2020 Mälardalen University, Västerås Online 2020-03-18--2020-03-20

Best Reviewer Award: Frida Magnusdotter Ivarsson, University of Gothenburg

MITAC 2019 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2019-10-21--10-23

Best Reviewer Award: Sebastian Dehling, Karlstad University & Oskar Lundberg Umeå University.

MITSC 2019 Karlstad University 2019-03-27--03-29.

Best Reviewer Award: Anton Borell, Stockholm University & Anna Uhlin, Mälardalen University,

MITAC 2018 Uppsala University, Campus Gotland 2018-09-19--2018-09-21.

Best Reviewer Award: Daniel Skog, Umeå University.

MITSC 2018 Lund University, LTH, Faculty of Engineering 2018-03-12--2018-03-14.

Best Reviewer Award: Chelsey Jo Huisman, Uppsala University & Christina Ghita, Uppsala University.

MITAC 2017 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2017-09-25--2017-09-27

Uppsala Lectures in Business 2017-09-26--2017-09-27
The lecturer 2017 was Nicole Coviello, the Betty and Peter Sims Professor of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Marketing at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.

  • Lecture 1: "Informing the dynamics of effectuation with network theory"
  • Lecture 2: "No business experience required? The influence of pre-founding R&D collaboration on early internationalization".

MITSC 2017 Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona 2017-03-13--2017-03-15

MITAC 2016 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2016-10-03--2016-10-05

Uppsala Lectures in Business 2016-10-04--2016-10-05
Lecturer: Professor Andrew Van de Ven, University of Minnesota.

MITSC 2016 University of Gothenburg 2016-03-14--2016-03-16

MITAC 2015 Uppsala University, Uppsala 2015-10-05--2015-10-07

MITSC 2015 Linköping University 2015-03-25--2015-03-27

