Project publications 2016-2019 and in press
- Gräslund, A-S., Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Lamm, J.P. & Edberg, R. (eds) 2018. Fynden från ’Svarta jorden’ på Björkö från Hjalmar Stolpes undersökningar. Studier, äldre uppgifter. AUN 49. Uppsala universitet.
- Gräslund, A-S., Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Lamm, J.P. & Edberg, R. (eds) 2018. Fynden från ’Svarta jorden’ på Björkö från Hjalmar Stolpes undersökningar. Katalog. AUN 48. Uppsala universitet.
- Gräslund, B. 2018. Beowulfkvädet. Den nordiska bakgrunden. Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien, Uppsala.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Ljungkvist, J. & Price, N. 2018. The Vikings Begin. Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala.
- Price, N. 2019. The Viking way: magic and mind in late Iron Age Scandinavia. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
- Williams, G. 2019. Weapons of the Viking warrior. Osprey, Oxford.
Edited volume
- Price, N. (ed.) 2018. New Horizons in the Archaeology of the Viking Age. Special issue of The Archaeological Record 18/3. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.
Acta Sepulcreti Valsgaerdiae Regie Universitatis Upsaliensis
- Nordahl, E. 2018. Valsgärde 14. Uppsala universitet.
Peer-review journal papers and book chapters
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2016. Med utgångspunkt från människorna. Sociala roller och samhälleliga funktioner i Birka med utblick mot Gamla Uppsala. In Cassel, K. (ed.), Socioekonomisk mångfald, ritualer och urbanitet. Rapport från projektseminarium för Ostkustbanan (OKB) genom Gamla Uppsala. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm: 27-38.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2017. Creating a cultural expression: on Rus’ identity and material culture. In Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (eds) Identity formation and diversity in the early medieval Baltic and beyond. Brill, Leiden: 91-106.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2018. Från “grafundersökningar” till undervattensarkeologi. Det arkeologiska Birka. Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2018: 117-129.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Kjellström, A., Zachrisson, T., Krzewińska, M., Sobrado, V., Price, N., Günther, T., Jakobsson, M., Götherström, A. & Storå, J. 2017. The first female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164/4: 853-860.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. In press. With Asia as neighbour: archaeological evidence of contacts between Scandinavia and Central Asia in the Viking Age and the Tang Dynasty. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 81.
- Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. In press. Identitätsfragen zwischen Kiew und Birka. In Staecker, J. & Toplak, M. (eds) Die Wikinger. Entdecker und Eroberer. Ullstein Buchverlage/Propyläen Verlag, Berlin.
- Hennius, A. 2018. Viking Age tar production and outland exploitation. Antiquity 92: 1349-1361.
- Hennius, A., Gustavsson, R., Ljungkvist, J., & Spindler, L. 2018. Whalebone Gaming Pieces: Aspects of Marine Mammal Exploitation in Vendel and Viking Age Scandinavia. European Journal of Archaeology, 21(4): 612-631.
- Ljungkvist, J. 2019. Gamla Uppsala, la capitale préviking du nord. Dossiers d'Archéologie, janvier/fevrier 2019: 18-21.
- Ljungkvist, J. 2017. El periodo de Vendel en Escandinavia. Un preludio a la Era Vikinga. Desperta Ferro. Arqueología e Historia 12. 62-65
- Ljungkvist, J. 2017. Enterramientos vikingos. Desperta Ferro. Arqueología e Historia 13: 32-39
- Ljungkvist, J., Sarén Lundahl, J & Frölund, P. 2017. Two workshops with garnet crafts in Gamla Uppsala. Gemstones in the first millennium AD. RGZM Tagungen 30. In: A. Hilgner · S. Greiff · D. Quast (eds): 91-102.
- Luik, H., Peets, J., Ljungkvist, J., Maldre L., Maldre, R., Allmäe, R., Muñoz-Rodríguez, M., Speller, C.,
- McGrath, K & Ashby, S. In press. Antler combs from Salme ship burials: Find context, origin, dating and manufacture. Archaeological fieldwork in Estonia 2019.
- Price, N. 2017. De första vikingarna? Populär Arkeologi 2/2017: 10-15.
- Price, N. 2017. Les légendes du Walhalla. L'Histoire 442: 54-58.
- Price, N. 2017. Vikingafenomenet. Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens årsbok 2017: 71-79.
- Price, N. 2018. Distant Vikings: a manifesto. Acta Archaeologica 89: 113-132.
- Price, N. 2019. Behind the scenes of the Viking Age. Nordic Kultur 2019: 22-25.
- Price, N. & Ljungkvist, J. 2018. Polynesians of the Atlantic? Precedents, potentials, and pitfalls in Oceanic analogies of the Vikings. Danish Journal of Archaeology.
- Price, N. & Ljungkvist, L. 2018. The Valsgärde cemetery: excavations and publications. In Nordahl, E. Valsgärde 14. Uppsala University Press, Uppsala: 7-12.
- Price, N., Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Zachrisson, T., Kjellström, A., Storå, J., Krzewińska, M., Günther, T., Sobrado, V., Jakobsson, M. & Götherström, A. 2019. Viking warrior women? Reassessing Birka chamber grave Bj.581. Antiquity 93: 181-198. With online supplementary materials.
- Price, N. In press. Vikings on the Volga? Ibn Fadlan and the rituals of the Rūssiyah. In Shepard, J. & Treadwell, L. (eds) Muslims on the Volga in the Viking Age: diplomacy and Islam in the world of Ibn Fadlan. IB Tauris, London.
- Price, N. In press. My Vikings and Real Vikings: drama, documentary and historical consultancy. In Birkett, T. & Dale, R. (eds) Rediscovering the Vikings: reception, recovery, engagement. Western Michigan University Press, Kalamazoo.
- Raffield, B. 2018. Modelling prehistory: some comments on Maritime Modes of Production and the comparative analysis of past societies. Current Anthropology 58 (5): 514-5.
- Raffield, B. 2019. The slave markets of the Viking world: comparative perspectives on an invisible archaeology. Slavery & Abolition, 40 (4), 682-705.
- Raffield, B. Playing Vikings: militarism, hegemonic masculinities, and childhood enculturation during the Viking Age. Current Anthropology, 60 (6), 813-35.
- Raffield, B. In Press. Scandinavia during the Viking Age. World History of Slavery, Vol. 1. Éditions du Seuil, Paris.
- Raffield, B. In Press. ‘A reconsideration of the Danelaw, the Five Boroughs, and the Scandinavian settlement of England’ – article awaiting publication in Viking and Medieval Scandinavia.
- Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2017. Male-biased operational sex ratios and the Viking phenomenon: an evolutionary anthropological perspective on late Iron Age Scandinavian raiding. Evolution and Human Behavior 38/3: 315-324.
- Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2017. Religious belief and cooperation: a view from Viking Age Scandinavia. Religion, Brain and Behavior. 9/1: 2-22.
- Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2018. Polygyny, concubinage and the social lives of women in Viking-Age Scandinavia. Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 13: 165-209.
Teaching resources
Viking-Age childhood teaching pack, produced for the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past, produced by Dr. Kirsty Squires (Staffordshire University) in collaboration with Ben Raffield
Undervisningsmaterial om vikingatida barn gjord för the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past, av Dr. Kirsty Squires (Staffordshire University) i samarbete med Ben Raffield.