
Projektpublikationer 2016-2019 samt in press



Acta Sepulcreti Valsgaerdiae Regie Universitatis Upsaliensis

Peer-review tidskriftsartiklar och kapitel i böcker

  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2016. Med utgångspunkt från människorna. Sociala roller och samhälleliga funktioner i Birka med utblick mot Gamla Uppsala. In Cassel, K. (ed.), Socioekonomisk mångfald, ritualer och urbanitet. Rapport från projektseminarium för Ostkustbanan (OKB) genom Gamla Uppsala. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm: 27-38.
  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2017. Creating a cultural expression: on Rus’ identity and material culture. In Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (eds) Identity formation and diversity in the early medieval Baltic and beyond. Brill, Leiden: 91-106.
  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. 2018. Från “grafundersökningar” till undervattensarkeologi. Det arkeologiska Birka. Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2018: 117-129.
  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Kjellström, A., Zachrisson, T., Krzewińska, M., Sobrado, V., Price, N., Günther, T., Jakobsson, M., Götherström, A. & Storå, J. 2017. The first female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164/4: 853-860.
  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. In press. With Asia as neighbour: archaeological evidence of contacts between Scandinavia and Central Asia in the Viking Age and the Tang Dynasty. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 81.
  • Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. In press. Identitätsfragen zwischen Kiew und Birka. In Staecker, J. & Toplak, M. (eds) Die Wikinger. Entdecker und Eroberer. Ullstein Buchverlage/Propyläen Verlag, Berlin.
  • Hennius, A. 2018. Viking Age tar production and outland exploitation. Antiquity 92: 1349-1361.
  • Hennius, A., Gustavsson, R., Ljungkvist, J., & Spindler, L. 2018. Whalebone Gaming Pieces: Aspects of Marine Mammal Exploitation in Vendel and Viking Age Scandinavia. European Journal of Archaeology, 21(4): 612-631.
  • Ljungkvist, J. 2019. Gamla Uppsala, la capitale préviking du nord. Dossiers d'Archéologie, janvier/fevrier 2019: 18-21.
  • Ljungkvist, J. 2017. El periodo de Vendel en Escandinavia. Un preludio a la Era Vikinga. Desperta Ferro. Arqueología e Historia 12. 62-65
  • Ljungkvist, J. 2017. Enterramientos vikingos. Desperta Ferro. Arqueología e Historia 13: 32-39
  • Ljungkvist, J., Sarén Lundahl, J & Frölund, P. 2017. Two workshops with garnet crafts in Gamla Uppsala. Gemstones in the first millennium AD. RGZM Tagungen 30. In: A. Hilgner · S. Greiff · D. Quast (eds): 91-102.
  • Luik, H., Peets, J., Ljungkvist, J., Maldre L., Maldre, R., Allmäe, R., Muñoz-Rodríguez, M., Speller, C.,
  • McGrath, K & Ashby, S. In press. Antler combs from Salme ship burials: Find context, origin, dating and manufacture. Archaeological fieldwork in Estonia 2019.
  • Price, N. 2017. De första vikingarna? Populär Arkeologi 2/2017: 10-15.
  • Price, N. 2017. Les légendes du Walhalla. L'Histoire 442: 54-58.
  • Price, N. 2017. Vikingafenomenet. Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens årsbok 2017: 71-79.
  • Price, N. 2018. Distant Vikings: a manifesto. Acta Archaeologica 89: 113-132.
  • Price, N. 2019. Behind the scenes of the Viking Age. Nordic Kultur 2019: 22-25.
  • Price, N. & Ljungkvist, J. 2018. Polynesians of the Atlantic? Precedents, potentials, and pitfalls in Oceanic analogies of the Vikings. Danish Journal of Archaeology.
  • Price, N. & Ljungkvist, L. 2018. The Valsgärde cemetery: excavations and publications. In Nordahl, E. Valsgärde 14. Uppsala University Press, Uppsala: 7-12.
  • Price, N., Hedenstierna-Jonson, C., Zachrisson, T., Kjellström, A., Storå, J., Krzewińska, M., Günther, T., Sobrado, V., Jakobsson, M. & Götherström, A. 2019. Viking warrior women? Reassessing Birka chamber grave Bj.581. Antiquity 93: 181-198. With online supplementary materials.
  • Price, N. In press. Vikings on the Volga? Ibn Fadlan and the rituals of the Rūssiyah. In Shepard, J. & Treadwell, L. (eds) Muslims on the Volga in the Viking Age: diplomacy and Islam in the world of Ibn Fadlan. IB Tauris, London.
  • Price, N. In press. My Vikings and Real Vikings: drama, documentary and historical consultancy. In Birkett, T. & Dale, R. (eds) Rediscovering the Vikings: reception, recovery, engagement. Western Michigan University Press, Kalamazoo.
  • Raffield, B. 2018. Modelling prehistory: some comments on Maritime Modes of Production and the comparative analysis of past societies. Current Anthropology 58 (5): 514-5.
  • Raffield, B. 2019. The slave markets of the Viking world: comparative perspectives on an invisible archaeology. Slavery & Abolition, 40 (4), 682-705.
  • Raffield, B. Playing Vikings: militarism, hegemonic masculinities, and childhood enculturation during the Viking Age. Current Anthropology, 60 (6), 813-35.
  • Raffield, B. In Press. Scandinavia during the Viking Age. World History of Slavery, Vol. 1. Éditions du Seuil, Paris.
  • Raffield, B. In Press. ‘A reconsideration of the Danelaw, the Five Boroughs, and the Scandinavian settlement of England’ – article awaiting publication in Viking and Medieval Scandinavia.
  • Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2017. Male-biased operational sex ratios and the Viking phenomenon: an evolutionary anthropological perspective on late Iron Age Scandinavian raiding. Evolution and Human Behavior 38/3: 315-324.
  • Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2017. Religious belief and cooperation: a view from Viking Age Scandinavia. Religion, Brain and Behavior. 9/1: 2-22.
  • Raffield, B., Price, N. & Collard, M. 2018. Polygyny, concubinage and the social lives of women in Viking-Age Scandinavia. Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 13: 165-209.


Undervisningsmaterial om vikingatida barn gjord för the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past, av Dr. Kirsty Squires (Staffordshire University) i samarbete med Ben Raffield.

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