For researchers

U-CAN is

  • A biobanking project creating resources within medical science with the aim of contributing to high quality, world leading translational cancer research
  • A structured, longitudinal and prospective collection of data, biomolecules, tumour- and blood samples from cancer patients
  • Available to researchers and companies seeking to develop diagnostic tools and/or improve the treatment of tumorous disease

Our goals

  • To be at the international forefront amongst high quality biobanks in the cancer field
  • To be a hub of resources and knowledge within the field of clinical and translational cancer research
  • To contribute to better care and treatments by providing resources for research.

Our offer

  • U-CAN offers researchers and companies research collaborations centered around longitudinal data and samples from our biobank sample collection
  • U-CAN promotes cooperation with companies in the Life Science sector in order to run projects benefiting both industry and academia


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