About U-CAN
Information on number of participants and research projects

For information or questions about U-CAN

A brief summary of the project
A collaboration between academia and health care
U-CAN is a collaborative project managed by Uppsala University together with Umeå University, Stockholm University and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in close conjunction with the Swedish health care system: Akademiska sjukhuset in Uppsala, Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå and the hospitals in Gävle, Västerås, Karlstad and Falun. The total catchment area of these hospitals covers two thirds of Sweden geographically and one third of Sweden's population.
Collecting samples and data for cancer research
Since the start in 2010, U-CAN has created an infrastructure in order to collect data and to biobank blood and tissue samples for cancer research. Blood sampling from cancer patients is performed at several key points during the course of the disease with the aim of becoming better equipped at answering important questions regarding the causes of cancer, personalized cancer treatment and the progression/development of tumors. All samples and data collected by U-CAN is made available to researchers and companies who seek to expand the knowledge about cancer and to further develop diagnostics and treatment of tumor illnesses.
Supporting education
U-CAN also engages in and supports education within the cancer field. Among other things, U-CAN participates in the national doctorate course NatiOn and in the international Master's program in Molecular medicine at Uppsala University. We have also funded several Ph.D.-students and post-docs that were using U-CAN material in their studies and research (such funding can only be applied for through specific calls and announcements)
U-CAN organization
Information about boards and committees

U-CAN history
Highlights from 2009 until today