Booking doctoral thesis defence at the Humanities and Social Sciences
At the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Languages and Faculty of Educational Sciences, doctoral thesis defence time slots can be booked using the Defence Calendar. At the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Theology, doctoral defence time slots are booked directly via the relevant department.
Booking a time slot to defend thesis
The following information applies to doctoral students at the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Languages and Faculty of Educational Sciences.
The Defence Calendar electronic booking system shows the times that can be booked to defend the thesis at each faculty. Some time slots are not bookable due to University-wide events, such as Conferment Ceremonies. These dates are blocked in the system and cannot be booked.
Doctoral defences may take place during the semester and during the summer recess, with the exception of the period 15 June to 15 August.
The booking system allows two bookings per doctoral student – one first choice and one second choice. Two defence sessions are allowed each day at each faculty – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
The second choice is automatically removed 2 months after the booking is made. Once the decision on the date of the defence is finalised, immediately cancel any unused reserve time. That date then becomes available for someone else to book at the faculty.
Once the booking has been made, a confirmation email is automatically sent to the email address you provided in the booking. In that letter, a link is provided for you to change the booking.
Booking a room for the defence
Keep in mind that the booking system only books a time slot. The room for the defence is booked via the room booking system by an authorised person at the department.
Defence Calendar
Link to the Defence Calendar electronic booking system