Create your own media productions

With your mobile phone and an app for editing, you can produce on your own. Take a look at our tips for creating your productions.

Contact us if you need help along the way

Adding light to your recordings doesn't have to be difficult, but can be quite important. Some general lighting tips:

  • Ensure there is enough light.
  • Avoid strong backlights.
  • Use indirect light. For example, you can reflect the light off a white surface.
  • Let the light fall diagonally from one side instead of straight on.

Sound has a significant impact on the viewer's experience.

  • Use a headset or directional microphone.
  • Check the volume and turn it down when recording. Recording at high volume can result in distortion and cannot be salvaged. Instead, record at a lower volume and raise it in the edit afterwards.
  • Room and background noise. Choose a recording location with as little background noise as possible. Furniture and objects affect the sound. Soft materials and surfaces pick up sound and absorb it, while hard surfaces bounce sound back.

  • Film in landscape mode.
  • Capture steady shots, at least 5–10 seconds.
  • Make space on your phone (2GB = about 15 minutes of video on an Iphone).
  • Switch on flight mode.
  • Conduct interviews in quiet environments.
  • Have fun! Film as it happens!
  • Use a tripod for longer segments.

Here are some great apps to download. Edit directly on your phone.

