Promotion and merit

At the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, applications for promotion to Professor are submitted in November. The deadline is 30 November.

You apply via the University recruitment system. Request a link for the application by e-mailing:

The Disciplinary Domain has established criteria for promotions. The criteria are set out in Riktlinjer och bedömningsgrunder för rekrytering och befordran av lärare vid vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci. All the criteria must be met for a promotion to take place.

There are specific guidelines for adjusting the salary when promoted.

You apply via the University recruitment system. Request a link for the application by e-mailing:

Docents are an integral part of the teaching staff

The Higher Education Ordinance does not contain any regulations on appointing docents. The unpaid docents are not employed by the University but are an integral part of the respective faculty's teaching staff, and whose task is to conduct both research and teaching. A docent must therefore have both scientific and pedagogical competence, as well as a sufficiently close connection with the field of science.

The position as Docent comes with rights and obligations

A docent has the right to conduct research linked to the Disciplinary Domain. The Disciplinary Domain has the right to require the docent’s participation in teaching, in supervision, on the board of examiners, as an expert, as a faculty reviewer, and in working groups on research and education.

If it is useful for the faculty activities and if the applicant is qualified, admission will take place after the application. Admission at Uppsala University is not limited in time.

Apply to be admitted as Docent

You must have completed educational courses corresponding to five weeks, including university pedagogy and supervision.

Find relevant courses at Uppsala University here

Upload the application with attachments digitally in the university's e-recruitment system. Ask for a link from

Please note! The application must be received no later than fourteen days before the scheduled meeting of the Docenture Committee.

Your application must contain

  • Connection to the disciplinary domain
  • CV
  • Publication list
  • Independence biography
  • Bibliometric compilation
  • Research plan
  • Own research grants
  • Peer assignments
  • Supervision
  • Previous educational activities

Appendices to your application

Attach the following appendices to your application:

  • Your population registration certificate.
  • Certificate from a passed pedagogical basic course.
  • Certificates from other passed courses.
  • If applicable: Certificate of education for formal pedagogical education and application to be credited for a pedagogical course corresponding to five weeks.
  • Account of experience (according to template in Swedish).
  • Statement of the Head of Department/expert opinion (incl. suggestion on external expert).
  • Certificate from employer that they have read the application and support it. A separate letter from the employer should also state that the employer agrees with your specification.
  • Applications from clinical departments must be accompanied by a report card with a proposal for the allocation of points (signed by the relevant heads of department).
  • When transferring: copy of docent (associate professor) certificate.
  • 10 articles as PDFs.

Find out more

Guidelines for docenture at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy

See the meeting times of the Docenture Committee on the Disciplinary Domain Calendar

Appointed docents from 2021 Pdf, 108 kB.

Appointed docents 2009–2020 Pdf, 162 kB.

You can apply to become a distinguished university teacher at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy at Uppsala University if you are a permanently employed research teacher (lecturer, senior lecturer or professor) at the Disciplinary Domain.

You can also apply if you are employed by Region Uppsala – or another principal – but are highly active in teaching and research at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy.

There is one opportunity to apply per year, and it is announced through our internal communications channels. Apply by filling in the KURT form that you will find in the call text.


Next period to apply to be admitted as Distinguished University Teacher is 1–17 March 2025.

About distinguished university teachers

A distinguished university teacher is not only a skilled and well-liked teacher in the classroom. It is also a person who has scientific expertise in their own research subject and pedagogy and didactics. The distinguished university teacher is a pedagogical leader who develops their own and the university's teaching and conducts active quality assurance work. You can read more about this in Guidelines for Admission of Distinguished University Teachers.

As a distinguished university teacher, you not only have solid merits. You also have the ability to analyse them and describe them in such a way that it is clear to both experts and the Assessment Panel that you have a higher level of pedagogical skill that stands out from the basic level of the criteria described in Guidelines for Admittance of Distinguished University Teachers.

See distinghuished university teachers at the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy

What your application should contain

Your application should include an account of up to 25,000 characters (including spaces) of why and how you fulfil the criteria for admittance as Distinguished University Teacher. You should describe and discuss your pedagogical practice and how it relates to current research in pedagogy and subject didactics.

It is not enough to describe what you have done and how you have done it. As a distinguished university teacher, you are also expected to reflect on why you did things in a certain way and what the results were, and to place it in a broader perspective. You should also show how you apply theories from educational literature with examples from your own pedagogical work.

  • A full curriculum vitae and service record compiled in accordance with Career Portfolios
  • A pedagogical career portfolio compiled in accordance with the same guidelines
  • A certificate from an educational leader, such as director of studies, programme coordinator, chair of a programme committee or equivalent, confirming your educational achievements
  • A certificate from the Head of Department and/or Head of Unit, expressing support for your application
  • Relevant appendices of importance for your application

How the Assessment Panel for Admittance of Distinguished University Teachers works

The assessment is based on the written documentation received from the applicant and the written statements from experts. The assessment is based on Guidelines for Admittance of Distinguished University Teachers (MEDFARM 2012/1254) and Career Portfolios (MEDFARM 2018/277).

Guidelines for Admittance of Distinguished University Teachers

Career portfolios – assessment guidelines and compilation instructions

