Action plans and OTM-R checklist

Here are various documents related to Uppsala University’s development work within HRS4R.

Endorsement letter

Endorsement of the principles of C&C and Notification of
commitment to implement the HRS4R process (2017)

Endorsement letter Pdf, 62 kB.

GAP Analysis

Uppsala University’s original GAP analysis based on the European Charter and Code. Based on the GAPs identified.

GAP Analysis Pdf, 3 MB.

OTM-R checklist

A separate GAP analysis complementing the main GAP analysis but with a particular focus on ensuring that Uppsala University fulfils the requirements for open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (Open Transparent Merit-based Recruitment – OTM-R).

OTM-R checklist Word, 25 kB.

Internal review

Self-evaluation where the University can demonstrate and document its progress and make revisions/plan new activities for coming years. The self-evaluation includes the HR strategy action plan (2018–2020) which was based on the original GAP analysis.

Internal review and HR-strategy action plan (2018-2020 - implementation phase Pdf, 369 kB.

Internal review-renewal application phase Pdf, 288 kB.

EC-consensus report

The EC Consensus Report provides the organisation with valuable feedback and recommendations for future development work.

EC Consensus report (PDF, 90 kB) Pdf, 90 kB.

HR strategy action plan

Further action plans have been adopted for the periods 2021–2024 and 2024–2026, which highlight the University’s continued development work in the context of the European Charter. The action plans will be part of the University’s renewed application to retain the HR Excellence in Research quality label in spring 2024.

Internal review including HR-strategy action plan (2018-2020) Pdf, 369 kB.

HR strategy action plan (2021-2024) PDF, 819 kB Pdf, 819 kB.

HR strategy action plan (2024-2026) PDF, 216 kB Pdf, 216 kB.

