Below are links to the Department's online forms
Leave of Absence
A leave of absence can last a maximum of three semesters and can be due to, for example, parental leave or military service. If you respond within the specified time, you are guaranteed a place on the course after your break.
Application for leave of absence (in English)
You are ending your studies.
Application for withdrawal (in English)
If you have been granted a study leave and notify your return to studies by the date specified in the decision granting the leave, you are guaranteed a place on the programme for the semester specified in the decision.
If you have been absent or notified a study break, you can only resume your studies depending on if there is space in the course/programme.
Application for a re-registration (in English)
Credit transfer
Have you studied at another college/university? Do you have an old course you want to transfer to a new one? Then this is the form you should use.