Hints and Communication in Cooperative Puzzle Games
Palmonová, Tereza; Barikhan, Brian; Boyacioglu Nahmiya, Arda; Norderäng, Sebastian et al.
Enhancing Attention to Environmental Narrative in Fast-Paced First-Person Gaming: A case study of Project Chaser
Bekele Jansson, Jacob Erik; Sun, Tiger Wen Hao; Dahl, André Fuladianpour; Osmanagaoglu, Faruk
In-Game Motivation: Teaching Astronomy Through Game Based and Narrative Learning
Borg Rundqvist, Hedda; Albitar, Tarek; Diab, Mohammed; Molin Thøgersen, Nikita Leanne Hays et al.
The Diversity Rule: Points of Interest (POIs) in Breath ofthe Wild, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Skyrim
Stepan, Timon; Olsson, Isabell; Drakenberg, Viktor
Proceduralisation as Stratification and its Effect on the Persuasiveness of Procedural Rhetoric
Matte, Christian
Utilization of Visual Cues to Improve Navigation in Metroidvania-style Level Design
Zhan, Jing; Cao, Jiaxing; Kajimalwendo, Marcus; Pettersson, Willy Lars Roger
System Art: Inquiring the Artistic Potential of Interactive Systems through Formalist Approach
Kontorovič, Alisa
Understanding Death Stranding through the Lens of Umberto Eco’s Semiotics
LIU, HAO; Gao, Ya
Player Onboarding in a Low-Complexity Game Favouring Implicit Instructions: A Case Study of the Game The Social Grip
Hatzl, Anna; Hedberg, Ottilia; Keramidas, Ilias; Mardunovich, Daniel et al.
Exploring the impact of a "Time Acceleration" mechanic on player experience
Bhutani, Iver Adrian; Buhre, Mattias; Emriksson Apenitis, Adam; Möller, Oden et al.
Optimizing Player Engagement Through Iterative Level Design in a Melee-Driven Competitive Party Game
Ieong, Kit Shing; Landley, Marcus; Lever, Adam; Strömberg, Henrik
How do fixed camera placement and landmark usage support a player’s navigation and objective completion in video games?: A case study of The Social Grip: Llama Drama
van Eldijk, Rens; Kühl, Dylan; Nordström, Disa; Wolf, Lukas
The Effects of Gender Assumptions on Teammates’ Response to Strategic Calls in Online Competitive Gaming
Senderak, Anna Maria; Jansson, Emil; Sørensen, Mikkel Jonas
Beyond Pink and Pretty: Unpacking the Integration of 'Girl-Centric' Playstyles into Digital Game Design and Mechanics
Shpak, Daria
Comparing the Sources of Engagement for Esports Viewership by Demographics: Exploring how region, game genres, gender, age, and other factors influence people’s preferences when watching online esports broadcasts
Canesi, Dávid; Sandvik, Samuel; Serov, Bogdan
How do game systems of the battle royal game PUBG promote Aggressive and Non-aggressive Player Strategies?
Zhou, Airui; Li, Yali; Qi, Shilong
Taking the Offensive: Using nudge techniques to shape the players approach to play
Helmers, Achim Carl; Wills, George Felix Bethune; Abdulrahman, Hind; Grigaraviciute, Indre
The Last Vampire: Digital Adaptation of a Social Deduction Board Game
Salustri, Guido; Karlberg, Daniel; Voskanyan, Smbat
From Structured Guidance to Self-Directed Play: Applying Self-Determination Theory in Game Design
Yuheng, Liang
Encouraging Player Cooperation through Level Layout: A study of how to use the placement of challenges and incentives forencouraging player cooperation in digital games
Anderfelt, Marcus; Axelsson, Mattias; Löfgren, Rasmus; Morgun, Vlada
Exploring Player-Character Alignment Through Breathing Mechanics
Haghikia, Melika; Hammar, Nicolas; Marshall, Connor; Svensson, Benjamin
Impact of Visual Design Appeal: An Investigation of Player Interest in Tools in Local Cooperative Videogames
Örn, Elias; Hofling, Oscar; Nilsson, Sofiya
Digital Societies: Exploring the Influence of Online Multiplayer Games on Real-Life Social Interactions
David, Arushi; Sarcar, Aayush; Krivosein, Nikita
A Virtual Museum Game Case Study: Exploring How Virtual Museums Can Facilitate the Exhibition of Digital Games: How can a virtual museum effectively exhibit digital games as interactive exhibits without providing direct access to the original games?
Poliakov, Aleksandr; Madzharov, Georgi; Metwaly, Samir Alaa El Din; Spyrakos Freskos, Nikolaos Anargyros et al.
Perception of Implicit Narrative: An Explicit Narrative told through Implicit Narrative Storytelling
Klintö, Felix; Landaeus, Nadja (Nike); Lönn, Erika; Szczepanska, Natalia (Cory)
Are we the Baddies?: Exploring Player Experiences Surrounding Heroism through the LensesColoniality and Hegemonic Masculinity in Dungeons and Dragons
Forde, Michael Christopher
How Video Games Raise Awareness on the Technological Singularity
Brunet, Gabriel
What are the influences on gameplay and the impacts of a player's choice of protagonist gender?
Waked, Dani; Hägg, Marcus; Lüty, Clara; Sych, Danylo
Mitigating Kingmaking in Multiplayer Board Games: Exploring Rule Modification for Fair Gameplay
Karlsson, William; af Bjur, Oskar; Brandeborg, Victor; Cernohous, Cody
Digital Emulation of Claymation for Video Games
Biekirova, Elnara; Hoang, Nhi; Paulus, Ottar; Huang, Yijun et al.
A Novel Approach Towards the Analysis of Emergent Narration in Game Design: Utilizing the Design, Dynamics, Experience framework
Andersson, Joel; Ding, Lizhou
A Practice-based Research on the Stamina System in Soulsborne Games
Wu, Zonghao; Peng, Shengan
Social Interaction in Horror Games: An auto-ethnography of the single and multiplayer experiences in the game Phasmophobia
de Witt, Linus; Prinzell, Nathalie
Game Practice about Dark Patterns - Evoking Conversations on Dark Patterns in the Form of Game Design
Liu, Sihui; Liu, Chao; Gong, Xinchen; Feng, Haoran
Eliciting Critical Thinking Through Dystopian Games
Angeli Toptsou, Chava
Playing with Gods: From religious iconography to religion as a language in the context ofgame design
Etholén, Mikael; Hopstaken, Pim; Nyström, Nathanael; Orlowski, Jakub et al.
“I think you are the better version of me, and I hope I'm headed that way”: An exploratory qualitative approach to comparing and analyzing immersion into character in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition and Baldur’s Gate 3
Espinosa Chueca, Maria Jose; Meijaard, Hannah Maria
Crossing Paths and Impactful Bonds: Exploring Player-Character Relationships in Animal Crossing and Genshin Impact
Kovalenko, Daniil; van Tilborg, Guus
Gamification for Community Involvement
Adewunmi, Oluwafemi; Gouda, Sahashransu; Song, Zhechao
Exploring Resilience Building in Soulsborne Games
Ye, Chushu
The relationship between character progression systems and player experience from self-determination theory
Liu, Zijian
An analysis of achievement completion rate of open world role-playing games through a new taxonomic method
Yang, Yiwu
Designing a Game to Enhance Player Motivation and Contextual Knowledge
Guan, Mingyue
Design principles to foster respect for nature in video games
Jayaraman, Goutham
Geralt's Third Sword: Representation of sex in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Lynn Angerer, Lynn; Christiansen, Mette
A Comparison of Moderation Systems in DOTA2 and League of Legends from a Player Perspective
Wang, Qiaoting
Does the game Genshin Impact follow the 40 second rule for the frequency of points of interest that is used in The Witcher 3?
Krafft, Felix; Wiking, Hugo; Katsoula Johansson, Danai
The massive effect of NPCs: How the Mass Effect series creates likable NPCs
Legnefur, Emelie; Abasahl, Shervin
The Impact of Perceived Fairness on Player Playstyle in Multiplayer Card Games
Ovsakova, Lily; Pistek, Radim; Johansson Nielsen, Martin
Exploring gender expression and identity in virtual reality: The interplay of avatars, role-adoption, and social interaction in VRChat
Zhang, Jingyi