About Teaching

Teaching will take place in the form of lectures and, predominantly, seminars. The teaching method is problem based learning (PBL). All students are expected to be well prepared, to work with the problems presented in the course material and to engage in discussion. The seminars are prepared in two stages: through individual study of relevant case law and literature and through joint discussion and problem-solving in study-groups.


About 25 students and a teacher participate in seminars. In the beginning of the course the students get assignments, often in form of a real or hypothetical case. The seminars are prepared in small groups. Seminars are based on the students’ activities, and the work of each student is continuously accounted for and discussed.

Full attendance is compulsory at seminars. Observe that there are no official breaks at all during the semesters. However, teachers tend to leave two weeks without compulsory seminars during the Christmas season and one week without compulsory seminars during the Easter.

Tutorials and other teaching in base groups

All students belong to a student group that consists of four to six students. At tutorial the small group meets with the teacher to discuss problems in connection to seminars or other assignments.


About 25 students and one teacher participate. During lessons the teacher has a more dominating role than during seminars but the students are encouraged to ask relevant questions and participate in the discussion.


During lectures, the teacher has a dominant role. Lectures are often held in front of a large group of students. Lectures are held to introduce the students to a course.

