Economy, Accounting and Analysis

15 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 2FE032

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Flexible, 50%, Distance learning, Swedish

Spring 2025 Spring 2025, Flexible, 50%, Distance learning, Swedish

About the course

The course gives a broad introduction to the company's business economy and covers among other things the concepts of result, capital and money flow, product calculations, internal control, bookkeeping, annual reports in shareholder-owned companies, and group accounting.

Outline for distance course: The teaching is entirely web-based and is based on independent study. The course contains no physical teaching sessions, but any make-up examinations (if the course is not completed during the regular semester for registration) are carried out on site in Uppsala. The examination takes place continuously in the form of for example home exams, assignments, group assignments and computer-based tests. The communication between the participants and teachers occurs primarily via the website and possible electronic conferences. A pre-requisite is that the participants have access to an internet-connected computer and if necessary peripheral equipment according to instructions on the course web page. Basic knowledge of calculation software, such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers or LibreOffice Calc, and application of formulas is presupposed.

