Theory and Method in Swedish as a Second Language

7.5 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 5NS254

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, Swedish

Spring 2025 Spring 2025, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, Swedish

Autumn 2025 Autumn 2025, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, Swedish

Spring 2026 Spring 2026, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, Swedish

About the course

This course provides in-depth knowledge about the subject Swedish as a Second Language. In the course you will get an overview of the different research areas and general development of theories of the subject, with particular focus on research about word learning, grammar and phonology from a second learner perspective. You will also learn about social and cognitive aspects of second language learning and sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism in the school and in society. Within the course there is both theoretical and research methodological perspectives as well as practical elements. An important goal is to prepare students for their bachelor's project, both by supporting their critical assessment of research and by introducing them to different studies that can be executed within the frame of a smaller scientific study.

The scientific areas that the students have learned about in previous subject semesters are further developed in the course through joint discussion of current research studies and their research query, theoretical starting points and ethical considerations. Particular focus is on reviewing the studies methods for collecting data, analysis and presentation.

