Media and Communication Studies B: Media Studies
15 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2IV163
Main group 1
- Jenkins, Henry; Ito, Mizuko; Boyd, Danah, Participatory culture in a networked era: a conversation on youth, learning, commerce and politics, Cambridge, Polity, 2016Compulsory
- Lindgren, Simon, Digital media & society, Second edition., Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications, 2022Compulsory
- Dijck, José van; Poell, Thomas; Waal, Martijn de, The platform society: public values in a connective world, 2018Compulsory
- Gauntlett, David, Making is connecting: the social power of creativity, from craft and knitt, Second expanded edition, 2018Compulsory
- Kerry, Matthew; Stone, Georgia., Introducing media practice: the essential guide, 2018Compulsory
In addition to these compulsory books, approximately 150 pages of articles and chapters will be read throughout the course.
* Compulsory