History is the study of the past, including events, individuals, cultures, and societies, and how they have evolved over time. In history, we strive to understand and interpret past events and processes and how they have influenced our world up to the present day. The focus is on political processes in terms of state formation and how people have governed and been governed, economic processes in terms of production, trade, and how people have sustained themselves, as well as social and cultural processes that have structured social order and impacted people's identities.
By studying history, you acquire knowledge of historical conditions and gain deeper insights into subjects ranging from everyday life to global relations. You also learn to read and evaluate both historical source material and historical research.
As a history student, you receive valuable training in relevant skills for our time and society, including the ability to overview, compile, and present large amounts of information, both orally and in writing. Such skills are significant whether you want to work in research, journalism, teaching, investigations, or cultural heritage.
History is offered as standalone courses and as part of programmes at both bachelor’s and master’s levels.
Bachelor's level, basic courses
Bachelor's level, continuing courses
Master's level courses
- Director of studies (Bachelor's level)
- studierektor-gu-hist@uu.se
- Director of studies (Master's level)
- studierektor-ma-hist@uu.se