Organisational Behaviour B

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2FE223

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Business Studies G1F
Grading system
Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G), Fail (U)
Finalised by
The Board of the Department of Business Studies, 7 March 2012
Responsible department
Department of Business Studies

General provisions

The course is offered to exchange students.

Entry requirements

Students eligible for registration are those who have studied the Basic Course A, 30 credits and finished a minimum of 15 credits at the time of registration.

Exemption: Eligible to be registered are students already registered on a Master Programme within the Faculty of Social Science.

Learning outcomes

The course aims to give a critical review of the most important perspectives and schools in the field of organisational behaviour, as well as discuss the practical applications of these within the area of business studies. The course objective is also to give an introduction to the research methods used in the field.

After participating in the course the student will be able to:

• describe and analyse how different individual, group or organisational aspects affect the possibilities to reach the organisation’s goals

• apply basic knowledge of aspects affecting the behaviour of individuals in organisations in order to analyse processes and situations in business practice.

• reflect on and critically examine the different models presented in the course literature.

• relate the knowledge gained in this course to previous knowledge on organising acquired earlier on the basic level.

• summarise complex information and present it orally

• evaluate other students’ analyses and solutions to organisational problems.


The course opens with discussing questions at an individual level, and continues by relating these questions to higher levels of analysis, such as groups and organisations as a whole. The seminar series starts by a discussion about the individual’s role in organisations, motivation, and decision-making. Then questions about groups and teams, decision-making, power and politics will be debated. Organisational structure, culture, change and leadership are important course themes, and these topics will be brought forward in seminars. In several seminars the subject will also be addressed from a gender theoretical perspective.


The course is given in English, and comprises of seminars. Attendance is compulsory. The pedagogical design of the seminars build on so-called problem-based learning.


The final grade is determined based on an assessment of all the parts of the examination. Grading criteria are presented in the study guide provided at the start of the course. Grades will be given in accordance with the Swedish grading system. The following grades will be used: VG (pass with distinction), G (pass), and U (fail). Course examination includes a written exam and seminar assignments. In addition, any remaining assignments or supplements must be completed and handed in by the deadline specified in the study guide. Otherwise the test in question will receive a grade of U. The entire course (all assignments included) will then have to be redone the next time the course is given, provided there is space in the course.

Uppsala University takes cheating and plagiarism seriously, and disciplinary action will be taken against any student suspected of being involved in any sort of cheating and/or plagiarism. The disciplinary actions take the form of warnings and limited suspensions.

Only completed courses can be included in your degree.

Transitional provisions

The course substitutes/overlaps among others Organisational Behaviour 2FE615, 2FE956, 2FE207.

