The Aesthetics of Absence in Music of the Twenty-First Century

Internationell konferens 25-26 maj 2023 anordnad av institutionen för musikvetenskap, Oslo universitet i samarbete med institutionen för musikvetenskap, Uppsala universitet.

Vetenskaplig kommitté: Christine Dysers (Uppsala Univ.), Peter Edwards (UiO), Nanette Nielsen (UiO), Erling Guldbrandsen (UiO), Emil Bernhardt (UiO), Halvor Hosar (Uppsala Univ.), Meghan Quinlan (Uppsala Univ.), Jonas Lundblad (Uppsala Univ.)

Abstracts Pdf, 478 kB.

9.15 Kaffe & registrering

9.45 Konferensen öppnar (Christine Dysers & Peter Edwards)

Session 1: Absence and the Socio-Political

10.00 ARTURO IRISARRI IZQUIERDO (Hong Kong Baptist University): The Music of Trauma: Tracing the Real in Wang Xilin's Piano Concerto Op. 56

10.30 LUIS VELASCO-PUFLEAU (University of Bern/McGill University): Sounding Out Absent Bodies: Ghost Harmonies, Resonances and Remembering in Marisol Jiménez's XLIII Memoriam Vivere

11.00 MONIKA ŹYŁA (University of Salzburg): The Formulations of Absence in Philip Venable's Answer Machine Tape, 1987 (2022)

11.30 Lunch

Session 2: Absence in Popular Culture

12.30 MATTIA MERLINI (University of Milan): Voidgaze and Phantom Genres: Functions and Dysfunctions of Music Genres on Streaming Platforms

13.00 ALEC WOOD (Yale University): Vaporwave and the Paradox of Intentionality

13.30 LORENZO MONTEFINESE (IULM University, Milan): Presentifying Absence: Memorial Practices in 21st Century Popular Music

14.00 Paus

Session 3: The Possibility of Meaning

14.30 MARK BERRY (Royal Holloway, University of London): Absence, Non-Absence, Words, and Music in Kurtág's Fin de partie

15.00 CHRISTINE DYSERS (Uppsala University): The Unspeakable: Music in the Age of Uncertainty

15.30 KRISTINA SOCANSKI CELIK (University of Oslo): Octoechos: Contemporary Music and Spirituality

16.00 PAYAM PILVAR (University of Ottawa): Women Sing Freedom: The Absence of Women's Singing in Post-Revolutionary Iran

16.30 Avslutande kommentarer och musikalisk underhållning

17.00 Konferensmiddag (för deltagare)

18.00 Diskussion följt av konsert med Ensemble asamisimasa

09.15 Kaffe

Session 4: In-Between Presence and Absence/Experiencing Absence

09.30 JELENA NOVAK (CESEM, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa): What's Not There? Heiner Goebbel's Aesthetics of Absence and Division Between Visual and Acoustic Stage in Recent Opera and Musical Theatre

10.00 MARTINA BRATIČ (University of Graz): Olga Neuwirth's Coronation Cycle: Into the Void and Beyond

10.30 PETER ADAMS (Cambridge University): Small-Screen Silents: Contemporary Television and the Neo-Silent Aesthetic

11.00 JAKOB MARIA SCHERMANN (University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna): Transitions into Absence. On the Musical Aesthetics of Disappearance

11.30 Lunch

12.30 Keynoteföreläsning: JUDY LOCHHEAD (Stony Brook University): Affective Ephemera: Sounding Absence in the 21st Century

14.00 Paus

Session 5: Excess

14.15 DOMINIKA MICAŁ (Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music, Kraków): Two Studies in Losing. Richard Ayres' "No. 51" and "No. 52"

14.45 MARINA SUDO (KU Leuven): Listening within the Absence: Peter Ablinger's Composition and the Musical Potential of Noise

15.15 MARK HUTCHINSON (University of York): The Texture of Memory: Quotation as Absent Presence in Caroline Shaw's Gustave Le Gray

15.45 Paus

Session 6: Articulating the Ineffable

16.00 CLARE LESSER (NYU Abu Dhabi): Lacuna and Parergon in Late Vocal Works by Hans Joachim Hespos

16.30 TOBIAS PLEBUCH (Uppsala University): Thinking Absence in George Crumb's Black Angels

17.00 PETER EDWARDS (University of Oslo): Music of the Future and Sense-Making. Performing György Kurtág's Fin de partie

17.30 Konferensen avslutas


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