Seminarier 2019
23 januari 15.15-17.00 Campus Engelska parken. Professor Israel Bartal, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, A Failed Utopia: Yiddish Nationalism. Samarrangemang med Paideia.
Israel Bartal is Professor Emeritus of Jewish History, and the former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2006-2010). He served as the Chair of the Historical Society of Israel (2007-2015). Since 2016 he is a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences. Professor Bartal taught at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, McGill, University of Pennsylvania and Rutgers, as well as at Moscow State University and the Central European University in Budapest. He is the author of The Jews of Eastern Europe. 1772-1881 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005, 2006). Published also in Hebrew, Russian and German.
24 januari 16.00–17.40 Filmvisning av filmen ”Denial” på Fyrisbiografen. Filmen är baserad på historikern, professor Deborah Lipstads bok med samma namn. Efter filmen hålls föredrag av filmens huvudperson, professor Lipstadt, i Humanistiska teatern 18.00. Hon berättar om sina erfarenheter av arbete mot förintelseförnekande och om den rättegång som blev resultatet av att förintelseförnekaren David Irving stämde henne för förtal samt om sin nya bok om antisemitism
Samarbete med Hugo Valentin Centrum och Forum för levande historia.
28 mars 10.15–12.00 Hugo Valentin-rummet i Hus 4 Engelska parken. Rita Bredefeldt & Carl Henrik Carlsson presenterar boken Gravstenar berättar. Judiskt liv i Stockholm 1775–1875 (Stockholm 2018: Stockholmia förlag). Samarrangemang med Hugo Valentin-centrum.
3 april Monica Lauritzen samtalar med Forum för judiska studiers föreståndare, Lars M Andersson, om sin bok Karl Warburg. Den varsamme vägvisaren. Plats Kungliga biblioteket, 3 april 17.30–18.30
22 maj kl 15.15-17. Föreläsning med Michael Langlois, Strasbourg: "New Aramaic Divination Texts: Decipherment and Interpretation"
Hundreds of Aramaic divination texts are known, especially incantation bowls and amulets. But in recent years, a new type of inscriptions has been uncovered during archaeological excavations in Maresha. These texts are copied on ostraca and present several challenges: seeing the ink, deciphering the script, understanding the syntax, and interpreting the meaning of these fascinating 2000 year-old artefacts.
23 maj Lior Becker, doktorand vid HVC/Historiska institutionen presenterar sitt avhandlingsprojekt ”Yizkor Books, Yiddish and Israel – New Reflections. A Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Holocaust Memorial Books”.
A presentation of an early draft article introducing new analyses of Yizkor books and arguing that many pre-existing tropes in literature are incorrect.
28 maj 13.15–15.00, Dr Goran Miljan och Dr Stefan Ionesco, presenterar sitt nya forskningsprojekt, “The Unwanted Citizens: The Holocaust and the Aryanization of Jewish Property in Romania and the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), 1940-1945”
Goran Miljan The ‘Ideal Nation-State’ for the ‘Ideal New Croat’: Fascism and the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941-1945.
My project seeks to analyze and explain the role of the fascist Ustaša Youth organization during the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia. I will investigate how the Ustaša radical policies of mass murder were justified and how the members of the youth organization responded and reacted to the processes of expropriation and deportation.
Ștefan Cristian Ionescu is a historian and currently works as a senior lecturer at the Hugo Valentin Center, Department of History, at Uppsala University teaching courses at the Master Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Ionescu holds a Ph.D. in history from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. His research interests cover the areas of legal and economic history, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, international criminal law, and transitional justice.
28 maj professor Richard Wolin vid Graduate Center, City University of New York, “Walter Benjamins sekulära judiska messianism eller Martin Heideggers såkallade svarta anteckningsböcker”
Richard Wolin har skrivit ett antal böcker om Frankfurtskolan och särskilt relationen till Martin Heidegger och vänsterintellektuellas motupplysningsfilosofi. Hans bok "Heidegger in Ruins" utkommer på Princeton University Press senare i år.
9 oktober 15.15-17.00
Dr. Roni Weinstein, Hebrew University, "Where anthropology meets social-history: Marriage rituals among early-modern Italian Jews".
17 oktober kl 10,15-12 Hugo Valentin-rummet Dr. Carl Henrik Carlsson presenterar utkastet till ett bokkapitel.
”Under extraordinärt tryck 1933–1948”, ur sitt kommande översiktsverk om Judarnas historia i Sverige, eller ”Valentin 2.0”.
7 november 15.15-17.00 Prof. David Biale, UC Davies, Samarrangemang med GT/Filosofi.
“God’s Blood and Medieval Jewish-Christian Polemics.”
20 november Dr. Assaf Tamari, The van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Samarrangemang med Historiska institutionen och Religionshistoriska avdelningen.
"God as a patient: The responsibility of humanity for the fate of the world in the Kabbalah".