Seed exchange med andra botaniska trädgårdar
botanic garden grows thousands of plants that are not available at a normal garden centre. By exchanging seeds with more than 600 other botanic gardens all over the world, The Botanical Garden can obtain the rare plants needed for research and teaching. Many of these plants have never before been grown in Sweden.
The Botanical Garden’s own seed catalogue is called Semina Selecta (selected seeds). The catalogue itself has been published regularly since 1858 but the exchange of seeds goes even further back in time. Other botanic gardens can order seeds that our staff have collected from the wild or from cultivated plants from Semina Selecta. Seeds from approximately 1,000 different species of plants are dried and threshed clean each winter. About 50–100 species are chosen for inclusion in the seed catalogue.
In exchange, The Botanical Garden receives seed catalogues from all of the world’s botanic gardens. The staff orders the species they want to try cultivating, both outside and in the greenhouses. Some of the seeds are redistributed to various research projects that request plant seeds through The Botanical Garden.
Seed exchange is just one of the ways The Botanical Garden obtains plant material. Many plants are brought by researchers at Uppsala University who conduct field work abroad and bring home seeds and cuttings. Private individuals also donate individual plants or whole collections to The Botanical Garden, for example the cactus collection is based on a donation.
NB! The seed exchange is only open to other botanical gardens.
Requests should be made before April 2023 at
Please restrict yourself to 20 seed portions.
Please note that some seeds are available in very limited amounts (sometimes a single portion only).
The Botanical Garden of Uppsala University is a member of the International Plant Exchange Network of Botanic Gardens (IPEN) and recognises the legal and moral obligations imposed on its work by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Seed is supplied under the conditions that
* the material is used for the common good in areas of research, species conservation and education.
* information on the material is appropriately stored, and the connection between the information and the material is maintained.
* the material or any products arising from it is not commercialised or passed to third parties outside IPEN without prior consent from CBD authorities in the country of origin.