New systematic planting 2011

The Botanical Garden started the construction work for the new systematic planting in 2011. It is situated below The Tropical Greenhouse. It is designed in the shape of a lime (linden) tree. The flower beds are shaped like leaves while the paths make up the tree trunk and branches.
Work finished at the end of 2012. Now thee garden is a modern and functional heart in The Botanical Garden, where we can display the diversity and relationships of flowering plants.
The new systematic planting was drawn by Mats Lindegren. He was also involved in the design of a new alpine section in The Botanical Garden, the construction of which started in the fall of 2012. He has previously been involved in the construction of the rock garden and drawn the plan for the systematic field in Gothenburg Botanical Garden.

Kantstenar kommer på plats

Gjutning av den hjärtformade dammen

Ett av bladen i Blomväxternas släktträd har fått kantstenar på plats

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