Campus Gotland in brief
On Campus Gotland, education and research are carried out in the three disciplinary domains in eight of the university’s nine faculties and in about 20 departments.
Campus Gotland has approximately 2,000 full-time students, about 1,300 of whom are on-campus students; and around 230 employees, 170 of whom are researchers and teachers, as well as an administrative division with around 60 employees. Campus Gotland’s operations were evaluated in conjunction with the recurring review of research and were deemed to have high development potential to be innovative and groundbreaking in both research and education. Of about 1,300 full-year students studying on campus (i.e. not distance students), around 20% are estimated to be international students (2023/2024 academic year).
Campus Gotland is an integrated part of Uppsala University, where departments and faculties pursue education and research. At the same time, via its location in the middle of the Baltic Sea, the Visby World Heritage Site and the small-scale, multi and cross-disciplinary environment, Campus Gotland is a unique part of Uppsala University.
Campus Gotland is one of six development goals in the area 'renewing education and research' in Goals and strategies for Uppsala University. Above all, it deals with the fact that education and research environment at Campus Gotland offers particularly good opportunities for testing new paths and exploiting the potential of multi- and interdisciplinarity, regional collaboration and sustainable development.
At Campus Gotland you can study subjects within the humanities, law, technology and sciences, social sciences, languages, game design and educational sciences. At present, 20 Bachelor-level programmes (first cycle), 13 Master’s-level programmes (second cycle), and about 300 standalone courses per academic year.
More about Education
Research is carried out at most university departments operating in Visby. However, it is the research in a couple of subjects that is unique to Campus Gotland, namely in wind energy, conservation and in game design.
Through Campus Gotland, the University wants an important role in the regional development. Among other things, it is about developing the interaction with Gotland society. This coincides with the University's mission, goals and strategies for Campus Gotland.
More about Collaboration
Sustainable development
Uppsala University has a legal responsibility to support sustainable development. Campus Gotland aims at contributing to this mission by developing research, education and collaboration in the field.
Campus Gotland in numbers
At the present time, some 20 university departments are operating at Campus Gotland. All the respective areas of research are represented on campus.