Premises on Campus Gotland
Campus Gotland currently has premises that consist of a rented premises area of approximately 14,000 square metres. Campus consists of seven buildings all of which are gathered at Visby Harbour. Contacts for premises bookings.

Campus Gotland also rents the research station Ar, which is located in northern Gotland, in Fleringe parish.
Uppsala Akademiförvaltning is the landlord for the premises in buildings A, B, C, D and E and the research station Ar. Region Gotland is the landlord for the premises in building F. Statens fastighetsverk (the National Property Board) is the landlord for the premises in building G.
Buildings on Campus Gotland
A building
The A building (Tändsticksfabriken) contains workplaces and meeting rooms for staff.
B building
The B building (Maltfabriken), the main building on Campus, contains both education facilities and workplace for staff. The A and B buildings have a combined premises area of 5,300 m2.
Layouts and pictures of premises in the B building
C building
The C building (Kasernen) mainly contains workplaces for staff, but also some education facilities and a laboratory, mainly for the Bachelor Programme in Objects Conservation. C building premises area: 2,250 m2.
Layout and pictures of premises in the C building
D building
The D building (Betty Pettersson building) contains classrooms and workplaces for staff at the Division of common service and administration and other administrative divisions. Science Park Gotland has its premises on the ground floor in the building. The D building has a premises area of 1,694 m2.
Layouts and pictures of premises in the D building
E building
The E building, which was brought into use in 2001, contains both the Almedalen Library and educational premises for Campus Gotland. The educational facilities have a premises area of 1,400 m2 and the library has a premises area of 4,000 m2.
Layouts and pictures of premises in the E building
F building
The F building (Björkanderska) contains teaching premises, special premises and workplaces for staff. Department of Game Design currently occupies the F building. The building has a premises area of 1,100 m2.
Layouts and pictures of premises in the F building
G building
The G building (Residenset) at Strandgatan 1 contains teaching premises, special premises and workplaces for staff. Since September 2021, the Department of Game Design occupies the G building. The building has a premises area of 950 m2.
Fire safety
In the event of a fire: SAVE - WARN - ALERT - EXTINGUISH - EVACUATE
- SAVE: - people who are in danger
- WARN: others who are in danger
- ALERT - Call 112 and warn other people
- EXTINGUISH: extinguish the fire
- EVACUATE - through the closest exit (or emergency exit if necessary)
Read more about fire safety and evacuation at Campus Gotland.
If you are en external party
If you are an external party and want to rent premises at Campus Gotland, plrease contact the Premises Booking via email:
If you work at Uppsala University
If you work at the University and want to rent a lecture hall, please contact Premises Booking via email: or phone +46498-10 8200.
Fault reports – premises
To make a fault report regarding premises, contact the Office Services Unit (Vaktmästeriet) at Campus Gotland or call +4649810 8213.