What is Uppsala University’s Forum for Africa Studies?
Uppsala University’s Forum for Africa Studies is an inter-disciplinary centre that covers all three disciplinary domains of the University: Humanities and Social Sciences; Medicine and Pharmacy; and Science and Technology. The purpose is to support research on Africa in Uppsala University and to facilitate contacts and exchange of research information between departments as well as outside the university, particularly on the African continent. Forum leads research projects, organizes lectures and round-tables, and hosts seminar series, both the Friday Seminar in Africa Studies, and three Virtual Seminars.

Sahel Symposium 2024
The 2024 Sahel Symposium that took place 16-17 Dec. 2024, was a well-attended, lively discussed, and inspiring encounter with two conference venues, in Uppsala and in Bamako respectively. The symposium marked the end of programme Citizen Perspectives on Societal Challenges in Mali, the main objective of which is to promote citizen perspectives through the implementation of engaged research, the organization of citizen debates and the capacity building of young researchers. A transversal theme is the promotion of women leaders as researchers, teachers and opinion leaders.
What is done in Forum for Africa Studies?
Courses and other curricular activities

Research projects, conferences and other academic activities

Uppsala Papers in Africa Studies and other publications

Annual Reports
In our annual reports you find detailed descriptions of everything the Forum does.
Do you want to know more?
Visit Uppsala University's Forum for Africa Studies' official Facebook-page for more news and updates.
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