Education at the Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament
AMC organises courses about nuclear disarmament that are part of regular university teaching as well as independent specialised courses.
The priorities in terms of education are to offer and present both an advanced PhD course in technical nuclear verification of nuclear disarmament with a focus on applied nuclear physics with additional cross-disciplinary elements, as well as an undergraduate course on nuclear weapons and disarmament.
In addition to these efforts, AMC together with Sipri and Odesa Center for Nonproliferation organises the Armament and Disarmament Summer School, a course and networking opportunity for the next generation of academics, researchers, opinion leaders and policymakers in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, aimed to support and reinvigorate disarmament education activities.
Armament and disarmament summer school
The Armament and Disarmament Summer School is offered by the Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament in collaboration with SIPRI and the Odesa Center for Nonproliferation (OdCNP).
Courses on nuclear weapons and verification
Undergraduate course on issues regarding nuclear weapons and disarmament; and PhD course on verification of nuclear test explosions.
All the University’s courses and programmes
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