Collaboration at Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences

CDHU collaborates both on national and international level as well as within the university. We have a number of externally funded grants, and are members in several national and international networks.

SweDigArch (2022-2027)

The Swedish Digital Archaeology Infrastructure (SweDigArch) is led by the Uppsala Department of Archaeology and is supported by the CDHU’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) expertise.

InfraVis (2022-2026)

InfraVis (The National Scientific Visualisation Infrastructure), led by Chalmers in Gothenburg, is a collaboration between the Centre for Image Analysis at Uppsala University and CDHU to experiment with the latest trends in scientific visualisation methods and tools.

Swedish Digital Humanities Infrastructure: HumInfra (2022-2025)

The National Digital Humanities Infrastructure research consortium is led by Humlab at Lund University; The role of CDHU leadership is to support artificial intelligence (AI) training, methods and tools for the humanities and social sciences, as well as to connect with such European infrastructures from the perspective of information science and information organisation.

SweDigArch, InfraVis, and HumInfra are funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) Infrastructure Grants.

WASP-ED: The Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (2022-2025)

WASP-ED is a national initiative which builds on the skills and knowledge that have been generated by WASP-HS, and includes the development of courses on AI and machine learning. CDHU Director Anna Foka is one of four directors of the program, which is being coordinated by Linköping University. WASP-ED is funded by WASP-HS - the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program Humanities and Society - for 16.8 million SEK.

Department of ALM

Archival science, Library & information science, and Museum & heritage studies.

Uppsala University Library

Provides information resources for research, teaching and learning at the University.

Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum

Gustavianum cares for the University’s collections of archaeological objects, art, coins, historic scientific instruments, and much more.

Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX)

UPPMAX is a Uppsala University-based resource for high-performance computing.

Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics educate and conduct research in statistics. They work both with methodological questions, as well as with applications in a wide range of fields.

Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice

The forum facilitates cooperation, coordination and mutual exchange among the departments, centres and faculties conducting research within the fields of democracy, peace, and justice.


AI4Research is a five-year project tasked with strengthening, renewing and developing research in AI and machine learning.

Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence at Uppsala University

The Informatics and Media Hub offers a human sciences’ approach to digitalisation and automation.

Uppsala Computational Literary Studies Group (UCOL)

UCOL is a research group focused on deploying and developing computational methods for the investigation of Swedish literature and its contexts.

Centre for Medical Humanities

The Centre for Medical Humanities is a collaboration between the Faculty of Arts, the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy and the Department of History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala University.

Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS)

CIRCUS is a platform and physical environment for the initiation and development of problem-based, thematic research-driven collaborations across subject, faculty and disciplinary domain boundaries.

Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA)

Based at Stanford University, CESTA is an internationally-renowned research centre in the digital humanities that applies digital tools and methods to create new knowledge in interdisciplinary humanistic inquiry.

King's Digital Lab

A global leader in researching digital culture and society, and in exploring the use of advanced technology-related methods in humanities research, based at King's College London.

The Digital Archaeology Laboratory (DARK Lab)

Based at Lund University, the Darklab is a research group focused on the development of projects aimed at surveying and analysing archaeological sites by means of 3D combined technologies.

The Humanities Lab

The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary department for research technology and training at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University.


A unit and research infrastructure at the Faculty of Arts at Umeå University. Humlab's mission is to initiate, inspire and develop the interaction between traditional humanities, culture and information technology in research, postgraduate education and teaching.

Digital Humanities in the Nordic & Baltic Countries (DHNB)

An associated organisation to the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), formed to strengthen research, education and communication in the field of Digital Humanities.

The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)

DARIAH aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, content, methods, tools and technologies from its member countries. It develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyse and interpret digital resources.


Uppsala University is one of nine European universities that are members of the Enlight network. “Digital Revolution and Impact of Digitisation” is one of the five flagship domains of the network. Key themes include 1) AI for good in our cities and communities, with a special focus on digital simulation to support decision-making, 2) AI and health, and 3) AI and sustainable society.

CLARIN and DARIAH Joint Initiatives

CLARIN and DARIAH are two European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) for data-driven research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. They offer technical and social infrastructures in a sustainable way and also play important roles in educating new generations of researchers and shaping national and European research policy.

They are distributed infrastructures, where their nodes are institutions (such as universities, research institutes, libraries and museums) forming national consortia and regional hubs. CLARIN and DARIAH provide standards and support interoperability at all relevant levels, aiming at the integration of the national and regional networks into a wider, pan-European infrastructure that increases the visibility of digital data expertise. In line with the Open Science Agenda, CLARIN and DARIAH enable access to research data and stimulate data reuse.

The EOSC Association

ALM Professor Isto Huvila was selected to join the EOSC Task Force on FAIR Metrics and Digital Objects while CDHU Research Coordinator Clelia LaMonica was selected to join the Long-Term Data Retention Task Force.

About EOSC:

"The ambition of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. The EOSC ultimately aims to develop a 'Web of FAIR Data and services' for science in Europe upon which a wide range of value-added services can be built. These range from visualisation and analytics to long-term information preservation or the monitoring of the uptake of open science practices." (

