Guest researcher profile: Ingvill Stuvøy

Ingvill Stuvøy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Political Science at NTNU, Norway, visiting Uppsala this Spring semester. She is currently working on developing a project on the marketization of reproduction in Norway.

Ingvill Stuvøy.

Ingvill Stuvøy / Photo: Elin Iversen/NTNU.

My main area of research is reproduction, with a special interest in how economic logics and market developments, as well as gender and inequality, shape reproductive practices and lives. In my PhD thesis (2018) I studied the monetization of reproduction, with transnational surrogacy as my empirical case. In my post-doctoral period (2018-2021), I have been doing research on welfare state biopolitics, focusing on reproduction and migration politics. Currently I am developing a project on the marketization of reproduction in Norway.

At my home institution in Trondheim, I teach an introductory course on the Norwegian society in a sociological perspective, as well as a third-year BA course on inequality and welfare. I also lecture in qualitative methods and feminist/intersectionality theory at the MA level. I supervise on both BA- and MA-level.

Research interests:
reproduction, assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), economic sociology, reproductive politics, stratification, monetization and marketization.

Most recent publication:

Stuvøy, Kirpichenko, Kristensen, Lie & Moratti (2021) "Bioteknologiske framtider. Refleksjoner over endringene i bioteknologiloven fra et kjønnsforskningsperspektiv", Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, 45(02-03): 120-126. 

