Working bibliography for the project Single parents in Swedish media 2010-2020
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- Alsarve, J., Lundqvist, Å. and Roman, C. (2017). Ensamma mammor. Dilemman, resurser, strategier. Malmö: Gleerups.
- Andreassen, R. (2019). Mediated Kinship: Gender, Race and Sexuality in Donor Families. London: Routledge.
- Andreasson, J. and Johansson, T. (2019). “Becoming a Half-Time Parent: Fatherhood after Divorce.” Journal of Family Studies 25 (1): 2-17.
- Avery, D. (2016). “Every Child Needs a Father: The Shield and the Postfeminist Desire for Single Motherhood”. In Motherhood and Single-Lone Parenting: A Twenty-First Century Perspective, edited by Maki Motapanyane, 72-95. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press.
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- Berg, L-E. and Johansson, T. (1999). Den andre föräldern. Om deltidspappor och deras barn. Stockholm: Carlssons.
- Bergnehr, D. and Wahlström Henriksson, H. (2021). ”Hardworking Women: Representations of Lone Mothers in the Swedish Daily Press.” Feminist Media Studies. 21(1): 132-146.
- Bergnehr, D. and Åström, B. (2021). “Introduction”. In Single Parents: Representations and Resistance in an International Context, edited by Berit Åström and Disa Bergnehr, 1-28. London/New York: PalgraveMacmillan.
- Bernardi, L., Mortelmans, D. and Larenza, O. (2018). “Changing Lone Parents – Changing Life Course.” In Lone Parenthood in the Life Course, edited by Laura Bernardi and Dimitri Mortelmans, 1-26. Springer Open.
- Björnberg, U. (1997). Single mothers in Sweden: supported workers who mother. In Duncan, S. & Edwards, R. (eds.) Single mothers in an international context: mothers or workers, pp. 241-268. London. UCL Press.
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- Burström, B., Whitehead, M., Clayton S. et al. (2010). “Health inequalities between lone and coupled mothers and policy under different welfare regimes – The example of Italy, Sweden and Britain.” Social Science & Medicine 70: 912-920.
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- Carabine, J. (2001). “Constituting sexuality through social policy: The case of lone motherhood 1834 and today”. Social & Legal Studies, 10: 291-314.
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- Danuta Walters, S. and Harrison. L. (2014). “Not ready to make nice: Aberrant mothers in contemporary culture”. Feminist Media Studies, 14: 38-55.
- Denny, K., Brewton-Tiayon S., Lykke. L.C., and Milkie, M.A. (2014). “Admonished, then Excused: Portrayals of Fathers’ Low Levels of Involvement with Children Across the 20th and 21st Centuries.” Fathering 12(3): 221-241.
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- Duncan, S. and Edwards, R. (1999). Lone Mothers, Paid Work and Gendered Moral Rationalities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Duncan, S. and Edwards, R. (1997). Single Mothers in an International Context: Mothers or Workers. London: UCL Press.
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- Evans, T. & Thane, P. (2011). “Lone mothers.” Women’s History Review, 20, 3-9.
- Ezawa, A. (2016). Single Mothers in Contemporary Japan: Motherhood, Class, and Reproductive Practice. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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- Filipowicz, M. (2021). “Representations of Single Mothers in Petra Soukupovás’s Contemporary Czech Prose: Guilty Mothers and Uninvolved Fathers”. In Single Parents: Representations and Resistance in an International Context, edited by Berit Åström and Disa Bergnehr, 31-49. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fink, J. (2011). For better or for worse? The dilemmas of unmarried motherhood in mid-twentieth-century popular British film and fiction. Women’s History Review, 20(1), 145-160.
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- FitzGerald, L. and Williams, M. (2013). Exploring a Cultural Phenomenon. Mamma Mia! The Movie. London/New York: I.B Tauris.
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- Golombok, S. (2015). Modern Families: Parents and Children in New Family Forms. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
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- Graham, S. (2018). “Being a ‘good’ parent: single women reflecting upon ‘selfishness’ and ‘risk’ when pursuing motherhood through sperm donation.” Anthropology and Medicine 25: 3: 249-264.
- Greif, G.L. (1985). Single Fathers. Lexington, MASS: Lexington Books.
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- Hamad, H. (2014). Postfeminism and Paternity in Contemporary U.S. Film: Framing Fatherhood. New York: Routledge.
- Hancock, M. (2006). The Politics of Disgust: The Public Identity of the Welfare Queen. New York: New York University Press.
- Harding, L.M Fox. (1996). “’Parental Responsibility’: The Reassertion of Private Patriarchy?” Good Enough Motherhing ? Feminist Perspectives on Lone Motherhood. Ed. Elizabeth Bortolaia Silva. London: Routledge.
- Hertz, R. (2006). Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women Are Choosing Parenthood Without Marriage and Creating the New American Family. Oxford: Oxford UP.
- Hertz, R. and Nelson, M.K. (2019). Random Families: Genetic Strangers, Sperm Donor Siblings and the Creation of New Kin. Oxford: Oxford scholarship online.
- Hobson, B. and Takahashi, M. (1997). "The parent-worker model: lone mothers in Sweden." In Lone Mothers in European Welfare Regimes: Shifting Policy Logics, edited by Jane Lewis, 121-139. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Hook, J.L. and Chalasani, S. (2008). “Gendered Expectations? Reconsidering Single Fathers’ Child-Care Time” Journal of Marriage and Family 70 (November 2008): 978–990.
- Howard, N. (2016). “16 and Pregnant and Black: Challenging and Debunking Stereotypes”. In Mediated Moms: Contemporary Challenges to the Motherhood Myth, edited by Heather L. Hundley and Sara E. Hayden, 103-122. New York: Peter Lang.
- Hundley, H.L., and Hayden, S.E. (2013). Mediated Moms: Contemporary Challenges to the Motherhood Myth. New York: Peter Lang.
- Jadva, V. et al. (2009). “’Mom by Choice, Single by Life’s Circumstance’: Findings from a Large Scale Survey of the Experiences of Single Mothers by Choice.” Human Fertility: Journal of the British Fertility Society. 12 (4): 175-184.
- Johansson, T. (2004). Faderskapets omvandlingar. Frånvarons socialpsykologi. Göteborg: Daidalos.
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- Johnson, K.M. (2017). “Single, Straight, Wants Kids: Media Framing of Single, Heterosexual Fatherhood in Assisted Reproduction.” Journal of Gender Studies 26 (4): 387-401.
- Kelly, F. (2012). “Autonomous from the Start: Single Mothers by Choice in the Canadian Legal System.” Child and Family Law 3 (28), 257-283.
- Kelly, F. (2012). “Autonomous Motherhood and the Law: Exploring the Narratives of Canada’s Single Mothers by Choice.” Canadian Journal of Family Law 3 Vol. 28, Iss. 1 (2012/2013): 63-104.
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- Layne, L.L. & Cook, D.T. (2013). “’Creepy,’ ‘Freaky,’ and ‘Strange’: How the ‘Uncanny’ Can Illuminate the Experience of Single Mothers by Choice and Lesbian Couples Who Buy ‘Dad’.” Journal of Consumer Culture 13: 2 (2013), 140-159.
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