GP Seminar: Holographic duals of Higgsed Dpb(BCD)
- Date: 4 December 2024, 10:15–11:45
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, 101150
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Yein Lee
- Organiser: Centre for Geometry and Physics
- Contact person: Andrea Sangiovanni
Yein Lee from the Centre for Geometry and Physics gives this seminar. Welcome to join!
Abstract: In this talk, I would like to present our recent research on the holography of Argyres-Douglas theories. We constructed the AdS5 holographic duals to all non-Lagrangian 4d N=2 SCFTs of Argyres-Douglas type, namely, Dpb(G). These arise from class S of classical type involving irregular punctures or regular semi-simple type. The 11d supergravity duals contain a 6d internal space as a fibered product of a half-spindle with a squashed and fibered four-sphere. The internal space includes orbifold projections associated with the type of twist lines/outer-automorphism twists in the class S theory. To verify the holographic duality, we determined anomaly polynomials and matched the anomaly coefficients until sub-leading orders. Also, we considered the Higgs branch of the conformal field theory described via Higgsing by a nilpotent orbit of a classical Lie algebra. For every Higgsing, we found the exact closed-form formulae for the central charges and proved constraints of the type of partitions for allowable Higgsings are enforced by consistency conditions in supergravity duals.
This is a seminar in our seminar series on Geometry and Physics (GP).