
There are several researchers associated with The Baltic University Programme. These researchers work at their home universities, BUP participating universities, but cooperate within one or several networks of the Programme. You find some of them listed under the 10 BUP themes below.

Within each BUP theme, we have a theme coordinator. The researchers that are a part of these networks can get the chance to take part in theme meetings, matchmaking events as well as contribute to the BUP Course Platform.

We invite you to have your research profile information published here. Anyone that is conducting research while being employed at one of our participating universities or at an NGO connected to the BUP is welcome to add their research profile. When you decide to join, send us your information and join a BUP theme by filling out this form. Remember that you at any time can ask us to unpublish your information.

A compilation of photos of people

Researchers on Climate Change

Climate change refers to the changes that occur in the worlds climatic systems caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

Profiles of researchers on Climate Change.

A dark raincloud above green fields

Photo: NOAA on Unsplash

Researchers on Energy Systems

Energy transition plays a crucial role in the transition to a zero-emission society. Changing our energy production becomes essential in order to phase out the fossil fuels.

Profiles of researchers on Energy Systems.

Wind turbines on a snow covered mountain

Photo: Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Researchers on Sustainable Societies

A sustainable society focuses on the current and future well-being of its citizens and the environment. The three spheres of sustainability encompass many concepts which explain how decisions and actions can have an impact on the overall sustainability of our world.

Profiles of researchers on Sustainable Societies.

Tall buildings with greenery

Photo: Daniel Seßler on Unsplash

Researchers on Sustainable Water Resources

The field of sustainable water resources management has the challenge to adapt to the current and future issues facing the allocation of water. With the growing uncertainties of global climate change and the long-term impacts of management actions, the decision-making will be even more difficult.

Profiles of researchers on Sustainable Water Resources.

Rocks and a stream

Photo: kazuend on Unsplash

Researchers on Urban Rural Development

The last decades of urbanisation globally have led to several trends related to spatial planning today, such as urban growth, densification, uncontrolled sprawl and an on-going discussion about urban-rural interaction.

Profiles of researchers on Urban Rural Development.

A hill and a city in the background

Photo: Denis Shlenduhhov on Unsplash

Researchers on Sustainable Mobility

The functioning of a modern society puts heavy demand on the ability of individuals to be mobile. The sustainable mobility aims at the reduction of adverse effects connected to mobility.

Profiles of researchers on Sustainable Mobility.

People waiting on a train

Photo: zuhrul Islam on Unsplash

Researchers on Circular Economy

Circular economy refers to an economic system built on circular materials flows, instead of the more conventional economic systems where a product is being produced, used and trashed.

Profiles of researchers on Circular Economy.

Coins covering a plant in a cup

Photo: micheile henderson on Unsplash

Researchers on Sustainable Tourism

This theme aims at gathering researchers on sustainable tourism from a broad range of fields as well as engage the next generation of tourist research scholars around the Baltic Sea.

Profiles of researchers on Sustainable Tourism.

A crowded plaza

Photo: Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Researchers on Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a transdisciplinary research field, studying transformative learning within formal, non-formal and informal settings. ESD works with learning processes in relation to all SDGs in Agenda 2030.

Profiles of researchers on ESD.

A group of people holding colored cubes

Photo: Sylwester Nagorka

Researchers on Sustainable Food Systems

Key challenges of our time are to sustain the management of agricultural land and develop more resilient food systems to feed a growing world population.

Profiles of researchers on Sustainable Food Systems.

Yellow and green fields

Photo: Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

