Marie Karlsson
Professor at Department of Education
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- +46 18 471 16 47
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Short presentation
Marie Karlsson is associate professor in Education and works as a teacher and researcher. She belongs to the research group STEP and leads a seminar on narrativ research (NAFS). Her research focuses on for example conditioned relations between parents and education institutions, and on narrative identity. Marie teaches at all levels and do most of her teaching in pedagogik and work life education.
- narrative identity
- parents and education institutions
- professional identity
Selection of publications
- ”Let´s Party!” (2015)
- Making Sense of After-School CareDilemmas in Mothers' Stories of After-School Care in Finland and Sweden (2015)
- Motherhood and mental distress (2015)
- Perspektiv på förskolan i examensarbeten (2014)
- Emotional identification with teacher identities in student teachers’ narrative interaction (2013)
- Morality in Parents' Stories of Preschool Choice (2013)
- Mobbning i skolan. Forskning med barn - dominerande diskurser och institutionella villkor (2012)
- Professional Identities in Retired Teacher Educators' Life Stories (2012)
- 'It was Emma's army who bullied that girl' (2011)
- Promoting professional freedom (2009)
- Föräldraidentiteter i livsberättelser (2006)
- Livsberättelseintervjuer som socialt siterade handlingar (2006)
Recent publications
- Berättelser i pedagogisk forskning (2022)
- Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden (2021)
- Professional or authentic motherhood? (2021)
- A question of time and place (2020)
- The Many Faces of Shadow Education (2019)
All publications
- Berättelser i pedagogisk forskning (2022)
- Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden (2021)
- Professional or authentic motherhood? (2021)
- A question of time and place (2020)
- Teacher or friend? (2019)
- Shared decision making from the service users’ perspective: A narrative study from community mental health centers in northern Norway (2017)
- Narrative performances of user involvement among service users in mental health care (2017)
- Challenging the bounds of tellability (2017)
- Emotional aspects of teacher collegiality (2016)
- ”Let´s Party!” (2015)
- Making Sense of After-School CareDilemmas in Mothers' Stories of After-School Care in Finland and Sweden (2015)
- Motherhood and mental distress (2015)
- Emotional identification with teacher identities in student teachers’ narrative interaction (2013)
- Morality in Parents' Stories of Preschool Choice (2013)
- ”Jag brukar kalla dom för mina oslipade diamanter” (2012)
- 'It was Emma's army who bullied that girl' (2011)
- Promoting professional freedom (2009)
- Förskolan som skolförberedande - enligt föräldrar (2006)
- Together? - on child care as a meeting place in a Swedish city (2002)
- Parental involvement in Sweden exemplified through national policy on homework support (2019)
- Att studera berättelser som socialt situerade handlingar (2017)
- Perspektiv på förskolan i examensarbeten (2014)
- Mobbning i skolan. Forskning med barn - dominerande diskurser och institutionella villkor (2012)
- "...och lärarutbildningen hade vi ju inte ett dugg med att göra" (2012)
- Professional Identities in Retired Teacher Educators' Life Stories (2012)
- Introduktion - Livsberättelser: mening och identitet i tid och rum (2012)
- Telling Anneli's story. Parental identities in Anneli's story of Albin's motor skill problems (2007)
- Livsberättelseintervjuer som socialt siterade handlingar (2006)
- Modrare-fröken-relationer en institutionaliserad praktik (2004)
- Föräldrars möten med barnomsorg (2003)
- Att dra gränser - en studie av kommuntjänstemäns, skolledares och förskolepersonals arbete inför förskolebarns flytt från förskola till skola (2003)
- The Many Faces of Shadow Education (2019)
- Developing professional knowledge through doctoral study and its enactment in practice (2013)
- Before- and after-school care in Finland and Sweden (2012)
- It Feels so damn Ridiculous (2011)
- Blurred boundaries of responsibility (2011)
- Identity making in student teacher’s everyday storytelling in friend groups (2010)
- Negotiating good parenting (2010)
- ...och lärarutbildningen hade vi ju inte ett dugg med att göra (2009)
- 'The key to success is really communication' (2009)
- Resisting the categorization of "victim" and "bullies" - Identity constructions in preadolescent girls' peer talk (2008)
- Telling stories of bullying in school (2008)
- Preadolescent boys and girls accounts for equity, justice and harassment in multiethnic peergroups in a Swedish school (2007)
- Parental identities in life stories (2006)
- Livsberättelser och föräldraidentiteter (Life stories and parental identities) (2006)
- Childcare and change in parents´ life stories (2005)
- Moderskap - något (man?) gör. En analys av en kvinnas berättelse om "modrande" (Mothering something (men?) does. An analysis of a womans story about mothering) (2004)
- The making of students: A multi-perspective analysis of Swedish children's transfer from pre-school to school (2004)
- Hur görs föräldraskap? - Att studera föräldraskap som social process (Studying parenthood as a social process) (2003)
- Analyser av föräldrars livsberättelser som socialt situerade handlingar (2003)
- Together. - on Swedish child care as a meeting place in Swedish society (2001)
- Tillsammans? - om svensk barnomsorg som en samhällelig mötesplats (2001)