Rebecca Thorburn Stern
Professor at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
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Short presentation
Professor of Public International Law. My main research areas include human rights, particularly children's rights, migration law, and the relationship between international law and domestic law. Co-founder of the GL/UMIN network on migration law. From 2022 to 2024, I served as the Research Director for the Uppsala Forum for Democracy, Peace, and Justice. 2024 to 2027, I am a Visiting Professor of Human Rights at Lund University, and also affiliated with the Institute for Futures Studies.
- asylum law
- child rights
- childrens rights
- human rights
- human rights law
- implementation
- international law
- migration law
- public international law
- refugee law
Please see the CV attached.
Ongoing research projects (selected)
Status and stability. An examination of the importance of time in Swedish asylum and citizenship legislation. Funded by the Swedish Research Council 2024-2027. For more information, please visit
Treated Like a Child: Children and Age Discrimination Law in Sweden and the UK
Funded by the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation. 2020-2023.
Is there consistency in evaluation of sexual orientation and gender identity refugee cases?
Funded by Forte.2021-2025. For more information, see
Medical evidence in asylum procedures
Funded by Nordforsk (2021-2025). For more information, see
GAPS - De-centring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond
Funded through Horizon-Europe (2023-2026).
Previous research projects (selected):
The Convention on the Rights of the Child as domestic law: does it make a difference for children seeking asylum? Funded by the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation (2016-2022).
- Implementation of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - how is this adressed and explained by State parties and the CRC Committee? Partly financed by the Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child, Stockholm University. (2015-2017)
- Is it for real? Testing the genuine nature of a conviction or orientation in the context of the asylum process. Funded by the European Refugee Fund and the Swedish Migration Agency. (2013-2015)
- Overlapping protection or conflicting rules? A study of the concept of subsidiary protection in the context of Swedish law, EU law and international law. Funded by the Swedish Research Council. (2010-2012)
- What does it take to be granted protection and which protection ground should be selected? Funded by the European Refugee Fund and the Swedish Migration Agency. (2010-2011).
Recent publications
- Folkrätten i svensk migrationsrätt (2024)
- Migrationsrätt (2024)
- Article 9 (Provisional Measures/Mesures Provisoires) (2024)
- Article 8 (Exemption from Exceptional Measures/ Dispense de Mesures Exceptionnelles) (2024)
- Article 16 (Access to Courts/Droit d’Ester en Justice) (2024)
All publications
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 2 and Discrimination on the Basis of Childhood (2022)
- Great Expectations? Some Thoughts on the Impact of Incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for Asylum-seeking Children in the Nordic Countries (2022)
- Incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in National Law (2020)
- Innebörden av ”svenskt konventionsåtagande” (2020)
- When the ends justify the means? (2019)
- Much Ado about Nothing? (2019)
- Forska för en bättre värld (2018)
- Recension: Livia Johannesson "In Courts We Trust. Administrative Justice in Swedish Migration Courts. (2018)
- Book review: Fulvia Staiano, The Human Rights of Migrant Women in International and European Law, Eleven International Publ./G. Giappichelli Editore, 2017 (2018)
- Dubbla budskap om barns rättigheter (2016)
- At a crossroads? Reflections on the right to asylum for European Union citizens (2014)
- "Our Refugee Policy is Generous" (2014)
- Hur bedöms ett skyddsbehov? Om gränsdragning, konsekvens och förutsägbarhet i svensk asylpraxis. (2012)
- Folkrättens roll i vägledande migrationsrättslig praxis (2010)
- Rätten till deltagande enligt FN:s barnkonvention (2007)
- Folkrätten i svensk rätt (2024)
- Implementing Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Participation, Power and Attitudes (2017)
- Migrationsrätt (2016)
- Folkrätten i svensk rätt (2012)
- The Child's Right to Participation – Reality or Rhetoric? (2006)
- Folkrätten i svensk migrationsrätt (2024)
- Article 9 (Provisional Measures/Mesures Provisoires) (2024)
- Article 8 (Exemption from Exceptional Measures/ Dispense de Mesures Exceptionnelles) (2024)
- Article 16 (Access to Courts/Droit d’Ester en Justice) (2024)
- Article 22 (Public Education/Education Publique) (2024)
- Migration and Nationality Law (2022)
- A stable yet fragile system? Legal resilience against rights erosion in current Swedish migration policy (2022)
- Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider (2021)
- Incorporating the CRC in Sweden (2021)
- Kommunerna, barnkonventionen och barnet som rättighetsbärare (2021)
- Skydd mot diskriminering (2020)
- The image of the vulnerable child in recent ECtHR and CRC Committee case law (2020)
- Om barn som migranter och som barn (2019)
- Vem får ta del av kakan? Om migranter, rättigheter och solidaritet (2018)
- Proportionate or panicky? (2018)
- Religion, sexuell läggning, trovärdighet och genuinitet - det rättsliga ramverket (2016)
- Bedömning av trovärdighet i asylärenden - en forskningsöversikt (2016)
- Bedömningar utan lagligt facit - forskning om genuinitet, religion och sexualitet i asylärenden (2016)
- Bedömningar av skyddsbehov på grund av väpnad konflikt: konsten att navigera mellan olika rättsområden (2016)
- Vägledning i asylmål - en jämförelse mellan Sverige och England (2016)
- Unaccompanied and Separated Asylum-seeking Minors: Implementing a Rights-Based Approach in the Asylum Process (2015)
- Migration (2014)
- Sverige och FNs konvention om barnets rättigheter – reflektioner kring en eventuell inkorporering i svensk rätt (2014)
- Folkrätten i svensk migrationsrätt - en resurs som utnyttjas? (2012)
- Migrationsrätt (2010)
- Skyddsbehövande i övrigt - ett svårtolkat begrepp? (2010)
- Foreign law in Swedish judicial decision-making: still a rare occurrence. (2010)
- Tankar kring barnkonventionens artikel 12 (2004)
- Legal and Policy Infrastructures of Returns in the EU - Comparative Report (WP2) (2024)
- Legal and Policy Infrastructures of Returns in Sweden - Country Dossier (WP2). (2024)
- EU:s migrationspakt (2021)
- Temporary asylum and cessation of refugee status in Scandinavia (2020)
- Vad krävs för att få skydd? (2011)
- Barnkonventionens status. En utvärdering av för- och nackdelar om barnkonventionen som svensk lag. (2011)
- Ny utlänningslag under lupp (2008)