Nils Brunsson
Professor emeritus at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers
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- Academic merits:
- PhD
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Research Projects:
Partial organization
The construction of competition
Nils Brunsson is professor of management and affiliated with Uppsala University and Score (Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research) at the Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University, Sweden. He has held chairs in management at the Stockholm School of Economics and at Uppsala University. Brunsson has published numerous articles and authored, co-authored or edited thirty books in the field of management and organization studies. The list of books includes The Irrational Organization (1985), The Organization of Hypocrisy (1989), The Reforming Organization (1993), A World of Standards (2000), Mechanisms of Hope (2006), The Consequences of Decision-Making (2007), Meta-organizations (2008), Reform as Routine (2009), Decisions (2017), Organizing and Reorganizing Markets (2018), Organization outside Organizations (2019) and Competition. What it is and why it happens (2021). Nils Brunsson has studied organizational decision-making, administrative reform, standardization and the organization of markets. His current research interests include partial organization, meta-organizations and the social construction of competition and conflict. Brunsson has received several awards for his research and teaching and he is an honorary member of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS).
Recent publications
- Organization Studies and the Legal Person (2024)
- The Construction of Competition in Public Research Funding Systems (2023)
- Meta-Organizations (2022)
- ‘Un-responsible’ Organization (2022)
- The Origins of Competition (2021)
All publications
- Organization Studies and the Legal Person (2024)
- Meta-Organizations (2022)
- ‘Un-responsible’ Organization (2022)
- Where Does Competition Come From? (2020)
- In memoriam (2019)
- Tillit eller mätningar? (2018)
- On the fruitfulness of the concept of partial organization (2017)
- The paradox of organizing states (2016)
- Resurrecting Organization by Going Beyond Organizations (2016)
- The Organization of Markets (2015)
- My own book review (2014)
- Företagsekonomi - en översikt (2014)
- En organiserad organism av organisationer (2013)
- The Dynamics of Standardization (2012)
- Organization outside organizations (2011)
- L'organisation en dehors des organisations, ou l'organisation incomplète (2010)
- Cinquante ans après sa fondation, où est la théorie des organisations (2007)
- Mechanismen der Hoffnung in Revue für Postheroisches (2007)
- Organizing Organizations (2007)
- Administrative reforms as routines (2006)
- Reforms, organization and hope (2006)
- La regulación suave desde una perspectiva organizaticional (2005)
- Organizations and meta-organizations (2005)
- Organisationer med dubbla identiteter (2004)
- Le conseil aux gouvernements et aux Etats (2002)
- Constructing organizations (2000)
- Making things fit (1998)
- Constructing Health Care Accountants (1998)
- The Standardization of Organizational Forms as a Cropping-up Process (1997)
- Politicization and 'company-ization' (1994)
- The Necessary Hypocrisy (1993)
- Ideas and Actions (1993)
- Cynical Action (1992)
- Det organiserade hyckleriet (1990)
- Deciding for Responsibility and Legitimation (1990)
- Administrative Reforms as Routines (1989)
- Vårt behov av irrationalitet (1986)
- Organizing for inconsistencies (1986)
- Adaptability and influence in state-owned enterprises (1985)
- The Irrationality of Action and Action Rationality (1982)
- The functions of project evaluation (1980)
- The fallacy of accepting everything as a strategy for change (1979)
- Strategi i förändring (1977)
- Vägkostnadsutredningens fortsatta arbete (1974)
- Competition (2021)
- Organization outside organizations (2019)
- The Organization of Hypocrisy (2019)
- Organizing and Reorganizing Markets (2018)
- Decisions (2017)
- Beslutninger (2015)
- Att organisera marknader (2015)
- Beslut (2014)
- Beslut (2014)
- Företagsekonomins frågor (2010)
- Reform as Routine (2009)
- Marknadens makt (2009)
- Meta-organizations (2008)
- The Consequences of Decision-Making (2007)
- A Organizaçăo da Hipocrisia (2006)
- Mechanisms of Hope (2006)
- Regelexplosionen (2004)
- The Organization of Hypocrisy (2002)
- A World of Standards (2000)
- Standardisering (1998)
- Organizing Organizations (1998)
- The Reforming Organization (1993)
- Marknadens makt (1992)
- Makten att reformera (1990)
- The Organization of Hypocrisy (1989)
- Reform som tradition (1989)
- Kommunernas saerprag i ledelse og organisation (1988)
- Politik och ekonomi (1986)
- The Irrational Organization (1985)
- Staten och kommunernas expansion (1983)
- Lokal mobilisering (1983)
- Går det att spara? (1982)
- Företagsekonomi - sanning och moral? (1981)
- Politik och administration (1981)
- Beslut och handling (1979)
- Fartygstransporter i Dalarna (1977)
- Propensity of Change (1976)
- The Construction of Competition in Public Research Funding Systems (2023)
- The Origins of Competition (2021)
- A new understanding of competition (2021)
- Competition unbundled (2021)
- Constructing competition for status (2021)
- Institution und Organisation (2020)
- The partial organization of markets (2019)
- Meta-Organizations (2018)
- Markets, organizations, and Organization (2018)
- The Organization of Markets (2018)
- Markets, Trust, and the Construction of Macro-Organizations (2018)
- Multiplicity, Complexity, and Recurrent Change (2018)
- Organizing and Reorganizing Markets and Formal Organizations: (2018)
- When Sellers Create Markets: Dilemmas and Challenges in Markets for Professional Services (2018)
- Resurrecting Organization by Going Beyond Organizations (2017)
- Hypocrisy (2016)
- Las organizaciones internacionales como metaorganizaciones (2016)
- New Public Organizations (2014)
- Från organisation till marknad (2014)
- Hur vet du att inte björnen är farlig? (2014)
- Hur vet du att inte björnen är farlig? (2014)
- Från organisation till marknad - tur och retur? (2014)
- The Travel of Organization (2013)
- Les inspirés - sont-ils bien inspirants? (2012)
- Företagsekonomi (2012)
- How much do meta-organizations affect their members? (2012)
- New Public Organizations (2011)
- New Public Organizations (2011)
- Politisering och företagisering (2011)
- New Public Organizations (2010)
- Efectos prácticos de las creencias (2009)
- Internationale Metaorganisation und ihre Mitglieder (2009)
- Konsten att vara chef (2009)
- Hypocrisy (2007)
- Organizing the world (2006)
- En illusion av frihet? (2005)
- Reform als routine (2005)
- Inte bara mode (2005)
- La Standardisation comme mode d´organisation (2004)
- Marknad, organisation och reform (2004)
- Soft regulation from an organizational perspective (2004)
- Organized Hypocrisy (2003)
- Decisions as institutions (2000)
- Standardization as organization (1999)
- Reform as routine (1998)
- Beslut som institution (1998)
- Managing Organizational Disorder (1996)
- Utvärdering och inlärning (1995)
- Ideas and Actions (1995)
- Hypocrisie Organisée (1992)
- L´irrazionalità dell´azione e razionalità d´azione (1992)
- Politisering och företagisering (1991)
- Målstyring og virksomhetsplanlegging som forvaltningspolitisk strategi (1991)
- Opinion och handling (1991)
- Entscheidungen in Organisationen (1989)
- Industrial Policy as Implementation or Legitimation (1986)
- Artikelserie om kommunal ekonomi och organisation (1985)
- Forskningsområden inom kommunal ekonomi och organisation (1985)
- Svensk Kommunalekonomisk forskning (1983)
- Styrproblem och styrmetoder i kommunal verksamhet (1983)
- Vem styr politikerna? (1983)
- Politikers inflytande på politiken (1982)
- Förvaltningsrevision och styrning (1979)
- Förvaltningsrevision och kommunal politik, 1977 (1978)