Siv-Britt Björktomta
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of social work; Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 78 04
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- +46 70 425 08 61
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- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Siv-Britt Björktomta at Department of social work; Faculty
- 0000-0001-5837-7861
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- barn och familj
- hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck
- socionomers professionsidentitet
- våld i nära relationer
Siv-Britt Björktomta was awarded a PhD in Social Work at Gothenburg University in 2012. Her thesis: About Patriarchy, resistance and breaking up - young girls´movement in social spaces. She has been a Senior Lecturer in social work at Department of Social Work, Stockholm University and a researcher at FoU Nordväst, Sollentuna. Since 2016 she is senior lecturer at Departement of Sociology, as from the turn of the year 2017/18 she is director for Centre for Social Work (CESAR).
Dr. Björktomta has long experiences in teaching social work in subjects connected to her research areas, furthermore, about qualitative research methods and about professional skills for social workers.
She is a member of the research group Welfare and Life-course.
Björktomta´s research deals mainly with children and young people concerning different aspects of family relations. The research focusing specially the use of parental authority/power and different forms of violence. A new research area, under development, is digital society and social welfare services attitudes towards social media. The digital age implies an increased use of social media which challenge social workers’ meetings with children and young people. The social dynamics of digital society needs to be a part when the society´s lay down the general outlines concerning children´s and young people´s psychosocial health.
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FORSKARINTERVJU Siv-Britt Björktomta, fil. dr. i socialt arbete, är universitetslektor på Uppsala universitet och forskar om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Här berättar hon om sin forskning om hedersrelaterat våld som ett kontinuum.
Honour-related violence as a continuum
Recent publications
- Building professional identity during social work education (2024)
- Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (2022)
- Honour-based violence (2022)
- Yttrande (2021)
- Social Work, Children and the Digital Knowledge Landscape (2021)
All publications
- Building professional identity during social work education (2024)
- Honor-Based Violence in Sweden (2019)
- Debatt/Hedersrelaterat våld (2018)
- Child welfare services and social media (2018)
- Digital society generates new challenges on Child Welfare Services (2017)
- Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (2022)
- Social Work, Children and the Digital Knowledge Landscape (2021)
- Honour-based violence (2022)
- A need to go beyond the concept of honor-related violence (2019)
- How digital society challenges child welfare practices (2018)
- Social media in social care practice (2017)
- Digital Society (2017)
- Våldets olika former – (2015)
- Different forms of violence (2015)
- Honour related violence in a Swedish context (2013)
- Patriarchy, resistance and breaking up (2012)
- Socialt arbete- i rörelse (2016)
- Barn i fattiga familjer – risk- och sårbarhetsfaktorer samt skyddande faktorer (2016)
- Saraprojektet 2004-2007 (2008)
- Personalens möten med utsatta flickor (2007)
- Ersta flickhem - Lännahemmet och Marsta gård (2007)
- Unga kvinnor, frihet och heder (2005)