Johanna Svahn
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Education
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 16 67
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- Visiting address:
- Von Kraemers allé 1 A
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 2136
750 02 Uppsala
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Short presentation
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Johanna Svahn är universitetslektor i pedagogik. Hennes forskning rör främst identitets-. språk- och socialisationsprocesser i relation till frågor som rör mobbning, konflikter, särskild undervisning och interventionsarbete i skolan. Hon medverkar i VR-projektet: ”Positivt beteendestöd i skolan: kausala mekanismer och interaktiva processer” (2022-2025).
Selection of publications
- Organisationsidentiteter som en form av legitimitetsanspråk (2022)
- Interactional and epistemic challenges in students' help-seeking in sessions of mathematical homework support (2021)
- Collaborative work on an online platform in the context of video-mediated homework support (2020)
- Tracing unique trajectores of participation for a 'girl with ADHD' (2019)
- Parental involvement in Sweden exemplified through national policy on homework support (2019)
- Staging social aggression (2017)
- "Jag har bara ADHD å så" (2017)
- 'Don't bother with that' (2017)
- Reported speech in girls' dispute stories (2017)
- Challenging the bounds of tellability (2017)
- School bullying and the micro-politics of girls' gossip disputes (2012)
- The Everyday Practice of School Bullying (2012)
- 'You could just ignore me' (2011)
Recent publications
- Situated apprenticeship in the research lab (2025)
- Positive behavior support in school (2024)
- Organisationsidentiteter som en form av legitimitetsanspråk (2022)
- Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden (2021)
- Interactional and epistemic challenges in students' help-seeking in sessions of mathematical homework support (2021)
All publications
- Positive behavior support in school (2024)
- Organisationsidentiteter som en form av legitimitetsanspråk (2022)
- Läxhjälp as Shadow Education in Sweden (2021)
- Interactional and epistemic challenges in students' help-seeking in sessions of mathematical homework support (2021)
- Collaborative work on an online platform in the context of video-mediated homework support (2020)
- Tracing unique trajectores of participation for a 'girl with ADHD' (2019)
- Staging social aggression (2017)
- 'Don't bother with that' (2017)
- Reported speech in girls' dispute stories (2017)
- Challenging the bounds of tellability (2017)
- Talking moral stances into being (2013)
- 'You could just ignore me' (2011)
- Situated apprenticeship in the research lab (2025)
- Parental involvement in Sweden exemplified through national policy on homework support (2019)
- "Jag har bara ADHD å så" (2017)
- School bullying and the micro-politics of girls' gossip disputes (2012)