Linus Johnsson
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB)
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Short presentation
Linus Johnsson is a medical doctor, resident of family medicine, and bioethicist. His doctoral thesis investigated trust in biobank research. His current main project is "GPs conceptions of quality in family medicine: a Grounded Theory project" which he conducts together with Lena Nordgren. Linus Johnsson also supervises medical students. He is a member of the Standing Committee for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety of the Swedish College of General Practice (SFAM-Q) since March 2014.
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Kvalitet ur ett allmänläkarperspektiv: en Grounded Theory-studie
Projektet bedrivs tillsammans med Lena Nordgren (
Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en teori om kvalitet bestående av ett klarläggande av kvalitetsbegreppet ur allmänläkarens perspektiv samt en empirisk redogörelse för vilka utmaningar allmänläkare möter när de söker skapa kvalitet i sitt arbete och hur de löser dessa.
Datagenerering sker genom ostrukturerade djupintervjuer med allmänläkare och observationer av deras interaktioner med patienter, medarbetare och andra aktörer. I enlighet med Grounded Theory-metodologin sker datagenerering, analys och teoriutveckling parallellt och iterativt. Deltagarna rekryteras genom olika allmänläkarnätverk. Vi närmar oss först de deltagare och kontexter som har störst potential att generera rika beskrivningar, för att senare rikta oss mot dem som bäst täcker in luckor i den framväxande teorin.
Selection of publications
- Trust in Biobank Research (2013)
- Adequate trust avails, mistaken trust matters (2013)
- Hypothetical and factual willingness to participate in biobank research (2010)
- Patients' refusal to consent to storage and use of samples in Swedish biobanks (2008)
Recent publications
- Det är mina besvär och då är det mej dom ska lyssna på (2024)
- They are my worries, so it's me the doctor should listen to (2024)
- Confidentiality matters! Adolescent males’ views of primary care in relation to psychosocial health (2024)
- Effects of telemonitoring follow-up, side effects, and other factors on CPAP adherence (2023)
- Adolescent males visiting the GP (2023)
All publications
- They are my worries, so it's me the doctor should listen to (2024)
- Effects of telemonitoring follow-up, side effects, and other factors on CPAP adherence (2023)
- The voice of the profession (2023)
- Confidentiality matters! Adolescent males’ views of primary care in relation to psychosocial health (2022)
- The voice of the self (2022)
- Multidimensional Property Supplementation (2021)
- How general practitioners decide on maxims of action in response to demands from conflicting sets of norms (2019)
- Autonomy is a Right, Not a Feat (2016)
- Making researchers moral (2014)
- Adequate trust avails, mistaken trust matters (2013)
- Hypothetical and factual willingness to participate in biobank research (2010)
- Patients' refusal to consent to storage and use of samples in Swedish biobanks (2008)
- Struggling in no-man’s land between childhood and adulthood—a phenomenological–hermeneutical video-observation study exploring adolescent males’ encounters with general practitioners
- Making researchers moral