Isto Huvila
Professor at Department of ALM
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 34 20
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- +46 70 167 94 70
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- Engelska parken
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751 26 UPPSALA
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- 0000-0001-9196-2106
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Short presentation
Professor in Information Studies at the Department of ALM. My research interests include information and knowledge management, information work, knowledge organisation, documentation, and social and participatory information practices. The contexts of my research ranges from archaeology and cultural heritage, archives, libraries and museums to health information and e-health, social media, virtual worlds and corporate and public organisations. More information at
- archaeological information
- archaeology
- archives
- arkeologi
- arkiv
- bibliotek
- digital humaniora
- digital humanities
- documentation
- dokumentation
- e-health
- e-hälsa
- fair
- forskningsdata
- health information
- hälsoinformation
- information practices
- information work
- informationsarbete
- informationspraktiker
- libraries
- medical records
- museer
- museums
- open data
- open science
- paehr
- paradata
- participation
- participatory practices
- patientjournaler
- research data
- öppen data
Current research projects can be found at
Recent publications
- Health Information Literacy (2025)
- Do You Know How Your Data Was Made? (2025)
- Paradata (2025)
- An Introduction to Paradata (2024)
- Empowering through Digital Skills (2024)
All publications
- Empowering through Digital Skills (2024)
- Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records (2024)
- Regimes of participation (2024)
- Representational exchange and edgework (2024)
- Difficult to Know If You Can Rely on Or Use Your Data? (2024)
- Patterns in Paradata Preferences among the Makers and Reusers of Archaeological Data (2024)
- Dokumentation av arkeologiska arbetsprocesser underlättar framtida återanvändning av forsknings- och undersökningsdata (2024)
- Paradata Literacy and the Challenges of Research Data Management (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Affordance trajectories and the usefulness of online records access among older adults in Sweden (2024)
- When Data Sharing Is an Answer and When (Often) It Is Not (2024)
- A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space (2024)
- Professional identity of public librarians, archivists and museum professionals in five European countries (2024)
- Antecedents of Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease-of-Use (PEOU) in the Heuristic-Systematic Model (2024)
- Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients (2023)
- Seeking innovation (2023)
- Involving Older Users in Design of Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records (2023)
- Revisiting Metagames and Metagaming (2023)
- On Infrastructural Speculation (2023)
- Managing Information Gaps and Non-Information (2023)
- Information behavior research in dialogue with neighboring fields (2023)
- A Fieldwork Manual as a Regulatory Device (2023)
- The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey (2023)
- LAM professionals' roles and attitudes to user participation in Norway and Sweden (2023)
- Users’ Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care (2023)
- Connecting information literacy and social capital to better utilise knowledge resources in the workplace (2023)
- Information needs on research data creation (2022)
- Re-purposing Excavation Database Content as Paradata (2022)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- [Review of:] The Filing Cabinet (2022)
- Improving the Usefulness of Research Data with Better Paradata (2022)
- Making and taking information (2022)
- Citing methods literature (2022)
- Archaeological information-making activities according to field reports (2022)
- Archaeological Practices and Societal Challenges (2022)
- Guest editorial (2022)
- Information behavior and practices research informing information systems design (2022)
- Sharing Research Design, Methods and Process Information in and out of Academia (2022)
- Interrogating paradata (2022)
- Health literacy, health literacy interventions and decision-making (2022)
- Figurations of Digital Practice, Craft, and Agency in Two Mediterranean Fieldwork Projects (2021)
- The politics of paradata in documentation standards and recommendations for digital archaeological visualisations (2021)
- Enablers for and barriers to using My Kanta (2021)
- Community Resilience Through Diversity (2021)
- Sense of coherence as influencing information sharing at the workplace (2021)
- Monstrous hybridity of social information technologies (2021)
- Documenting archaeological work processes for enabling future reuse of data (2021)
- Much of Information Is Not Really That Ready to Use (2021)
- When are participatory memory practices? (2021)
- Ambiguity, standards and contextual distance (2021)
- Technological and informational frames (2021)
- Documenting Information Processes and Practices (2021)
- Choreographies of Making Archaeological Data (2021)
- Documenting information making in archaeological field reports (2021)
- Cancerpatienter positiva till journal på webben (2021)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behavior related to online electronic healthcare records. (2021)
- Do you want to receive bad news through your patient accessible electronic health record? (2021)
- The impact of workplace information literacy on organizational innovation (2020)
- Conceptualizing information work for health contexts in Library and Information Science (2020)
- Digital humanities in Sweden and its infrastructure (2020)
- Older adults' views on eHealth services (2020)
- Information at Work (2020)
- Quality, working conditions, education and communication concerns in European contract archaeology (2020)
- Librarians on user participation in five European countries (2020)
- Information-making-related information needs and the credibility of information (2020)
- Quality, working conditions, education and communication concerns in European contract archaeology (2020)
- Conceptualizing and studying information creation (2020)
- Miten voimme ottaa huomioon ikääntyvien terveystietokäyttäytymisen digitaalisten terveyspalveluiden kehittämisessä (2020)
- Guest editorial (2020)
- ‘I do not share it with others. No, it’s for me, it’s my care’ (2020)
- Online electronic healthcare records (2020)
- Organizational changes, trust and information sharing (2019)
- Using object biographies to understand the curation crisis (2019)
- Authoring social reality with documents (2019)
- Genres and situational appropriation of information (2019)
- Use-Oriented Information and Knowledge Management (2019)
- Rethinking context in information research (2019)
- Learning to work between information infrastructures (2019)
- Editorial (2019)
- Editorial (2019)
- The concept of usefulness in library and information science research (2019)
- Collaboration and Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (2019)
- Mapping Our Heritage (2019)
- Health information seeking, beliefs about abilities, and health behaviour among Finnish seniors (2018)
- Opportunities and challenges with My Kanta (2018)
- Putting to (information) work (2018)
- Holistic information behavior and the perceived success of work in organizations (2018)
- Anticipating ageing (2018)
- Differences in the experiences of reading medical records online (2018)
- Archaeological Practices, Knowledge Work and Digitalisation (2018)
- Archaeological Knowledge Production and Global Communities (2018)
- Patients' experiences of accessing their electronic health records (2018)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online access to their electronic medical records (2018)
- The subtle difference between knowledge and 3D knowledge (2017)
- Distrust, mistrust, untrust and information practices (2017)
- Boundary objects in Information Science (2017)
- Eurooppalainen COST-ARKWORK -verkosto tutkii arkeologista työtä ja tiedontuotantoa (2017)
- Archaeological perspectives in information science (2017)
- Förord (2017)
- Förord (2017)
- The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions (2017)
- Workplace information sharing (2017)
- Förord (2016)
- A Neo-Documentalist Lens for Exploring the Premises of Disciplinary Knowledge Making (2016)
- Yli 50-vuotiaiden näkemyksiä sähköisten terveydenhuoltopalveluiden sisällöstä (2016)
- Historia biteiksi (2016)
- Historia biteiksi - johdatusta digitaaliseen humanismiin. Review of Elo, Kimmo (toim.) Digitaalinen humanismi ja historiatieteet. THY 2016. (2016)
- Affective capitalism of knowing and the society of search engine (2016)
- Awkwardness of becoming a boundary object (2016)
- Reframing the Research of Information Work with Information Leadership and Situational Appropriation of Information (2016)
- Change and stability in archives, libraries and museums (2016)
- ’If we just knew who should do it’, or the social organization of the archiving of archaeology in Sweden (2016)
- 'If we just knew who should do it', or the social organization of the archiving of archaeology in Sweden (2016)
- Patients reading their medical records (2016)
- Taking Health Information Behaviour into Account in the design of e-health services (2016)
- Taking Health Information Behaviour into Account in the design of e-health services (2016)
- Information Policy for (Digital) Information in Archaeology (2015)
- Hyvän arkeologian metsästäjät [The hunters of good archaeology] (2015)
- "We've got a better situation" (2015)
- Another Wood Between the Worlds? (2015)
- Situational appropriation of information (2015)
- The unbearable lightness of participating? (2015)
- Patients' perceptions of their medical records from different subject positions (2015)
- Towards information leadership (2014)
- Be informed of your information (2014)
- Information sharing and the dimensions of social capital in Second Life (2014)
- Continuum thinking and the contexts of personal information management (2014)
- Kunskapsdelningens många nivåer och konsten att fånga dem i ett ramverk (2014)
- Engagement has its consequences (2013)
- How a Museum Knows? (2013)
- Meta-games in information work (2013)
- "Library users come to a library to find books" (2013)
- How a museum knows? (2013)
- In Web search we trust? (2013)
- What is Librarian 2.0? (2013)
- Empowerment or anxiety? (2013)
- Impact och inverkan av informationsinfrastrukturer (2012)
- The Unbearable Complexity of Documenting Intellectual Processes (2012)
- "I asked my Mum, but" and other cases of unsuccessful information seeking by asking (2011)
- The politics of boundary objects (2011)
- The Complete Information Literacy? (2011)
- "I asked my Mum, but" and other cases of unsuccessful information seeking by asking (2011)
- Kuka muistuttaisi muistiorganisaatiota? (2010)
- Information sources and perceived success in corporate finance (2010)
- Information Sources and Perceived Success in Corporate Finance (2010)
- The Cool and Belkin Faceted Classification of Information Interactions Revisited (2010)
- Where does the information come from? (2010)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2010)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2010)
- What is Library 2.0? (2009)
- Ecological Framework of Information Interactions and Information Infrastructures (2009)
- Analytical information horizon maps (2009)
- Semantiska wiki som digitala arkivsystem (2009)
- Learning together apart (2008)
- Work and work roles (2008)
- Information work analysis (2008)
- Data makers’ and users’ views on useful paradata
- Paradata (2025)
- Perspectives on Paradata (2024)
- Bibliotek, bildning och läsning som arena och praktik (2023)
- Makten över information (2022)
- Research Outside The Academy (2019)
- Thematic issue: (2019)
- Special Collection: (2019)
- Perspectives to Archaeological Information in the Digital Society (2014)
- Perspectives to Archaeological Information in the Digital Society (2014)
- ASIS&T European Workshop 2013 (2013)
- Information Services and Digital Literacy (2012)
- Information Science and Social Media (2011)
- Kirjasto 2.0 (2009)
- Bibliotek 2.0 (2009)
- Health Information Literacy (2025)
- An Introduction to Paradata (2024)
- Imperative of Paradata (2024)
- Concluding Discussion (2024)
- Memory Modalities (2024)
- Towards a Toolbox for Future Envisioning Memory Practices (2024)
- Do Collections Still Constitute Libraries, Archives, and Museums? (2023)
- The Social Production of Discourse in Archaeology (2023)
- On Archives and User Participation in the Nordic Countries (2023)
- Conclusion (2023)
- LAMs and the Participatory Turn (2023)
- Knowing-in-Practice, Its Traces and Ingredients (2023)
- Learning, Literacy, and Education in LAMs (2023)
- Den som bestämmer vad information är (2022)
- Svar (2022)
- Perceptions and Implications of User Participation and Engagement in Libraries, Archives and Museums (2020)
- The Meaning of Interoperability and Its Implications for Archival Institutions (2020)
- Introduction (2019)
- Contract Archaeology (2019)
- Management of archaeological information and knowledge in digital environment (2019)
- How Knowing Changes (2019)
- Epilogue (2019)
- Differences in Health Information Literacy Competencies Among Older Adults, Elderly and Younger Citizens (2019)
- Bibliotekarien, biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap och digital humaniora (2018)
- Introduction (2018)
- Epilogue (2018)
- Archaeological information work and the digital turn (2018)
- Archiv (2017)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of ´things´ represented in information collections (2016)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of "things" represented in information collections (2016)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of ´things´ represented in information collections (2016)
- Using a Mobile-Guide System in Medieval Castles, Fortifications and Battlefields (2014)
- Archaeologists and their information sources (2014)
- Introduction (2014)
- Kulturarv, deltagande och kulturarvsprofessionalism -- från en facklig hegemoni till stridiga teorier och praktik (2014)
- Two Perspectives on Information Organization (2014)
- Sorting the metaverse out and how metaverse is sorting us out (2013)
- Preferences for formal and informal sources in corporate finance (2013)
- Putting the pieces together (2012)
- Virtual Landscape Modelling (2011)
- Virtual Landscape Modelling (2011)
- Kirjastot virtuaalimaailmassa (2008)
- Bringing together Interdisciplinary Strategies for the Study of the Seats of Power in 3D Modeling (2008)
- Library 2.0 (2008)
- Do You Know How Your Data Was Made? (2025)
- "My Personal Doctor Will not Be Replaced with Any Robot Service!" (2024)
- Documentation of Data Making, Processing and Use Facilitates Future Reuse of Research Data (2024)
- Researching Informational Technologies of Trust (2024)
- Cultural Heritage Informatics, Old Idea or Emerging Domain? (2024)
- Data Papers as Documentation of Research Processes and Practices (2023)
- Conceptualizing Data Needs within Contexts of Data Discoverability and Reuse (2023)
- Everyday Health Information Literacy and Attitudes Towards Digital Health Services Among Finnish Older Adults (2022)
- Bildning i gränslandet mellan digital humaniora och biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (2021)
- Taking health information behaviour into account in user-centered design of e-health services (2020)
- Aging, every-day information and technology use (2020)
- Classifying Health Information Interactions and their Motivations (2020)
- Supporting open research data practice through data curation and discovery (2020)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behaviour related to online electronic healthcare records (2020)
- Do you want to receive bad news through your patient accessible electronic health record? (2020)
- Library Catalogue Is Not a Community! User Contributions to Online Services of Archives, Libraries and Museums (2019)
- Where to find archaeological information work and how to CAPTURE it? (2019)
- Information behaviour and practises research informing technology and service design (2019)
- Age-related differences in seeking clarification to understand medical record information (2019)
- Relationship Between Everyday Health Information Literacy and Attitudes Towards Mobile Technology Among Older People (2018)
- Alternatives to Being Information Literate (2018)
- Empowering towards healthy behaviours (2016)
- Opinions and use of mobile information technology among older people in Northern Finland (2016)
- Opinions and use of mobile information technology among older people in Northern Finland (2016)
- Working with Digital Humanities (2016)
- Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice (2016)
- Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice (2016)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online medical records (2015)
- Mixed Emotions in Active Social Media Use-Fun and Convenient or Shameful and Embarrassing? (2015)
- Where is the library, or is it an archive? (2014)
- Archives, Libraries and Museums in the Contemporary Society (2014)
- Archaeology of the ballpoint pen (2014)
- Boundary objects in information science research (2014)
- Patient Safety and Patient Privacy When Patient Reading Their Medical Records (2014)
- Crossing the Boundaries in Information Science (2013)
- DOME - Deployment of Online Medical Records and e-Health services (2013)
- Archaeological information in the digital society (2013)
- Learning, Access and MoBility in Cultural Heritage Education (2013)
- Transformation or continuity? The impact of social media on information (2012)
- Länkad data på fältet (2012)
- Authorship and Documentary Boundary Objects (2012)
- Being Formal and Flexible (2012)
- Navigators, Debaters or Information Architects? (2012)
- Social aspects of the ecology of information work (2011)
- Mining qualitative data on human information behaviour from the Web (2011)
- Critical about the clustering of tags (2011)
- Aesthetic judgments in folksonomies as a criteria for organising knowledge (2010)
- Learning, Access, and Mobility (LAMB) for Cultural Heritage Education (2010)
- Learning, Access, and Mobility (LAMB) for Cultural Heritage Education (2010)
- Steps towards a participatory digital library and data archive for archaeological information (2009)
- New modes of information behaviour emerging from the social web (2009)
- The Information Condition (2008)
- To whom it may concern? (2008)
- Entä informaatiokirjoitustaito? (2008)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2008)
- Taking excavation to a virtual world (2018)
- Cancerpatienter och användningen av journal via nätet (2015)
- What about creating and organizing? (2010)
Data sets
- A systematic sample of 10% of archaeological field reports published in respository in 2018 (2021)
- Uppdragsarkeologisk information i samhället (2015)