Isto Huvila
Professor vid Institutionen för ABM
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- 0000-0001-9196-2106
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Kort presentation
Professor i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid institutionen för ABM med forskning som inriktar sig i information och knowledge management, informationsarbete, kunskapsorganisation, documentation, och sociala och deltagarinriktade informationspraktiker. Min forskning sträcker sig från kulturarvsinformation och digital humaniora, arkeologisk forskningsdata, arkiv, bibliotek och museer till hälsoinformation och e-hälsa. Läs mer på
- archaeological information
- archaeology
- archives
- arkeologi
- arkiv
- bibliotek
- digital humaniora
- digital humanities
- documentation
- dokumentation
- e-health
- e-hälsa
- fair
- forskningsdata
- health information
- hälsoinformation
- information practices
- information work
- informationsarbete
- informationspraktiker
- libraries
- medical records
- museer
- museums
- open data
- open science
- paehr
- paradata
- participation
- participatory practices
- patientjournaler
- research data
- öppen data
Pågående forskningsprojekt finns på
Senaste publikationer
- Health Information Literacy (2025)
- Do You Know How Your Data Was Made? (2025)
- Paradata (2025)
- An Introduction to Paradata (2024)
- Empowering through Digital Skills (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Empowering through Digital Skills (2024)
- Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records (2024)
- Regimes of participation (2024)
- Representational exchange and edgework (2024)
- Difficult to Know If You Can Rely on Or Use Your Data? (2024)
- Patterns in Paradata Preferences among the Makers and Reusers of Archaeological Data (2024)
- Dokumentation av arkeologiska arbetsprocesser underlättar framtida återanvändning av forsknings- och undersökningsdata (2024)
- Paradata Literacy and the Challenges of Research Data Management (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Researching Informational Technologies of Trust (2024)
- Affordance trajectories and the usefulness of online records access among older adults in Sweden (2024)
- When Data Sharing Is an Answer and When (Often) It Is Not (2024)
- A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space (2024)
- Professional identity of public librarians, archivists and museum professionals in five European countries (2024)
- Antecedents of Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease-of-Use (PEOU) in the Heuristic-Systematic Model (2024)
- Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients (2023)
- Seeking innovation (2023)
- Involving Older Users in Design of Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records (2023)
- Revisiting Metagames and Metagaming (2023)
- On Infrastructural Speculation (2023)
- Managing Information Gaps and Non-Information (2023)
- Information behavior research in dialogue with neighboring fields (2023)
- A Fieldwork Manual as a Regulatory Device (2023)
- The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey (2023)
- LAM professionals' roles and attitudes to user participation in Norway and Sweden (2023)
- Users’ Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care (2023)
- Connecting information literacy and social capital to better utilise knowledge resources in the workplace (2023)
- Information needs on research data creation (2022)
- Re-purposing Excavation Database Content as Paradata (2022)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- [Review of:] The Filing Cabinet (2022)
- Improving the Usefulness of Research Data with Better Paradata (2022)
- Making and taking information (2022)
- Citing methods literature (2022)
- Archaeological information-making activities according to field reports (2022)
- Archaeological Practices and Societal Challenges (2022)
- Guest editorial (2022)
- Information behavior and practices research informing information systems design (2022)
- Sharing Research Design, Methods and Process Information in and out of Academia (2022)
- Interrogating paradata (2022)
- Health literacy, health literacy interventions and decision-making (2022)
- Figurations of Digital Practice, Craft, and Agency in Two Mediterranean Fieldwork Projects (2021)
- The politics of paradata in documentation standards and recommendations for digital archaeological visualisations (2021)
- Enablers for and barriers to using My Kanta (2021)
- Community Resilience Through Diversity (2021)
- Sense of coherence as influencing information sharing at the workplace (2021)
- Monstrous hybridity of social information technologies (2021)
- Documenting archaeological work processes for enabling future reuse of data (2021)
- Much of Information Is Not Really That Ready to Use (2021)
- When are participatory memory practices? (2021)
- Ambiguity, standards and contextual distance (2021)
- Technological and informational frames (2021)
- Documenting Information Processes and Practices (2021)
- Choreographies of Making Archaeological Data (2021)
- Documenting information making in archaeological field reports (2021)
- Cancerpatienter positiva till journal på webben (2021)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behavior related to online electronic healthcare records. (2021)
- Do you want to receive bad news through your patient accessible electronic health record? (2021)
- The impact of workplace information literacy on organizational innovation (2020)
- Conceptualizing information work for health contexts in Library and Information Science (2020)
- Digital humanities in Sweden and its infrastructure (2020)
- Older adults' views on eHealth services (2020)
- Information at Work (2020)
- Quality, working conditions, education and communication concerns in European contract archaeology (2020)
- Librarians on user participation in five European countries (2020)
- Information-making-related information needs and the credibility of information (2020)
- Quality, working conditions, education and communication concerns in European contract archaeology (2020)
- Conceptualizing and studying information creation (2020)
- Miten voimme ottaa huomioon ikääntyvien terveystietokäyttäytymisen digitaalisten terveyspalveluiden kehittämisessä (2020)
- Guest editorial (2020)
- ‘I do not share it with others. No, it’s for me, it’s my care’ (2020)
- Online electronic healthcare records (2020)
- Organizational changes, trust and information sharing (2019)
- Using object biographies to understand the curation crisis (2019)
- Authoring social reality with documents (2019)
- Genres and situational appropriation of information (2019)
- Use-Oriented Information and Knowledge Management (2019)
- Rethinking context in information research (2019)
- Learning to work between information infrastructures (2019)
- Editorial (2019)
- Editorial (2019)
- The concept of usefulness in library and information science research (2019)
- Collaboration and Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (2019)
- Mapping Our Heritage (2019)
- Health information seeking, beliefs about abilities, and health behaviour among Finnish seniors (2018)
- Opportunities and challenges with My Kanta (2018)
- Putting to (information) work (2018)
- Holistic information behavior and the perceived success of work in organizations (2018)
- Anticipating ageing (2018)
- Differences in the experiences of reading medical records online (2018)
- Archaeological Practices, Knowledge Work and Digitalisation (2018)
- Archaeological Knowledge Production and Global Communities (2018)
- Patients' experiences of accessing their electronic health records (2018)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online access to their electronic medical records (2018)
- The subtle difference between knowledge and 3D knowledge (2017)
- Distrust, mistrust, untrust and information practices (2017)
- Boundary objects in Information Science (2017)
- Eurooppalainen COST-ARKWORK -verkosto tutkii arkeologista työtä ja tiedontuotantoa (2017)
- Archaeological perspectives in information science (2017)
- Förord (2017)
- Förord (2017)
- The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions (2017)
- Workplace information sharing (2017)
- Förord (2016)
- A Neo-Documentalist Lens for Exploring the Premises of Disciplinary Knowledge Making (2016)
- Yli 50-vuotiaiden näkemyksiä sähköisten terveydenhuoltopalveluiden sisällöstä (2016)
- Historia biteiksi (2016)
- Historia biteiksi - johdatusta digitaaliseen humanismiin. Review of Elo, Kimmo (toim.) Digitaalinen humanismi ja historiatieteet. THY 2016. (2016)
- Affective capitalism of knowing and the society of search engine (2016)
- Awkwardness of becoming a boundary object (2016)
- Reframing the Research of Information Work with Information Leadership and Situational Appropriation of Information (2016)
- Change and stability in archives, libraries and museums (2016)
- ’If we just knew who should do it’, or the social organization of the archiving of archaeology in Sweden (2016)
- 'If we just knew who should do it', or the social organization of the archiving of archaeology in Sweden (2016)
- Patients reading their medical records (2016)
- Taking Health Information Behaviour into Account in the design of e-health services (2016)
- Taking Health Information Behaviour into Account in the design of e-health services (2016)
- Information Policy for (Digital) Information in Archaeology (2015)
- Hyvän arkeologian metsästäjät [The hunters of good archaeology] (2015)
- "We've got a better situation" (2015)
- Another Wood Between the Worlds? (2015)
- Situational appropriation of information (2015)
- The unbearable lightness of participating? (2015)
- Patients' perceptions of their medical records from different subject positions (2015)
- Towards information leadership (2014)
- Be informed of your information (2014)
- Information sharing and the dimensions of social capital in Second Life (2014)
- Continuum thinking and the contexts of personal information management (2014)
- Kunskapsdelningens många nivåer och konsten att fånga dem i ett ramverk (2014)
- Engagement has its consequences (2013)
- How a Museum Knows? (2013)
- Meta-games in information work (2013)
- "Library users come to a library to find books" (2013)
- How a museum knows? (2013)
- In Web search we trust? (2013)
- What is Librarian 2.0? (2013)
- Empowerment or anxiety? (2013)
- Impact och inverkan av informationsinfrastrukturer (2012)
- The Unbearable Complexity of Documenting Intellectual Processes (2012)
- "I asked my Mum, but" and other cases of unsuccessful information seeking by asking (2011)
- The politics of boundary objects (2011)
- The Complete Information Literacy? (2011)
- "I asked my Mum, but" and other cases of unsuccessful information seeking by asking (2011)
- Kuka muistuttaisi muistiorganisaatiota? (2010)
- Information sources and perceived success in corporate finance (2010)
- Information Sources and Perceived Success in Corporate Finance (2010)
- The Cool and Belkin Faceted Classification of Information Interactions Revisited (2010)
- Where does the information come from? (2010)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2010)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2010)
- What is Library 2.0? (2009)
- Ecological Framework of Information Interactions and Information Infrastructures (2009)
- Analytical information horizon maps (2009)
- Semantiska wiki som digitala arkivsystem (2009)
- Learning together apart (2008)
- Work and work roles (2008)
- Information work analysis (2008)
- Data makers’ and users’ views on useful paradata
- Paradata (2025)
- Perspectives on Paradata (2024)
- Bibliotek, bildning och läsning som arena och praktik (2023)
- Makten över information (2022)
- Research Outside The Academy (2019)
- Thematic issue: (2019)
- Special Collection: (2019)
- Perspectives to Archaeological Information in the Digital Society (2014)
- Perspectives to Archaeological Information in the Digital Society (2014)
- ASIS&T European Workshop 2013 (2013)
- Information Services and Digital Literacy (2012)
- Information Science and Social Media (2011)
- Kirjasto 2.0 (2009)
- Bibliotek 2.0 (2009)
- Health Information Literacy (2025)
- An Introduction to Paradata (2024)
- Imperative of Paradata (2024)
- Concluding Discussion (2024)
- Memory Modalities (2024)
- Towards a Toolbox for Future Envisioning Memory Practices (2024)
- Do Collections Still Constitute Libraries, Archives, and Museums? (2023)
- The Social Production of Discourse in Archaeology (2023)
- On Archives and User Participation in the Nordic Countries (2023)
- Conclusion (2023)
- LAMs and the Participatory Turn (2023)
- Knowing-in-Practice, Its Traces and Ingredients (2023)
- Learning, Literacy, and Education in LAMs (2023)
- Den som bestämmer vad information är (2022)
- Svar (2022)
- Perceptions and Implications of User Participation and Engagement in Libraries, Archives and Museums (2020)
- The Meaning of Interoperability and Its Implications for Archival Institutions (2020)
- Introduction (2019)
- Contract Archaeology (2019)
- Management of archaeological information and knowledge in digital environment (2019)
- How Knowing Changes (2019)
- Epilogue (2019)
- Differences in Health Information Literacy Competencies Among Older Adults, Elderly and Younger Citizens (2019)
- Bibliotekarien, biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap och digital humaniora (2018)
- Introduction (2018)
- Epilogue (2018)
- Archaeological information work and the digital turn (2018)
- Archiv (2017)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of ´things´ represented in information collections (2016)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of "things" represented in information collections (2016)
- Some remarks on the possibility of extending the theory of polyrepresentation to the study of the relevance and qualities of ´things´ represented in information collections (2016)
- Using a Mobile-Guide System in Medieval Castles, Fortifications and Battlefields (2014)
- Archaeologists and their information sources (2014)
- Introduction (2014)
- Kulturarv, deltagande och kulturarvsprofessionalism -- från en facklig hegemoni till stridiga teorier och praktik (2014)
- Two Perspectives on Information Organization (2014)
- Sorting the metaverse out and how metaverse is sorting us out (2013)
- Preferences for formal and informal sources in corporate finance (2013)
- Putting the pieces together (2012)
- Virtual Landscape Modelling (2011)
- Virtual Landscape Modelling (2011)
- Kirjastot virtuaalimaailmassa (2008)
- Bringing together Interdisciplinary Strategies for the Study of the Seats of Power in 3D Modeling (2008)
- Library 2.0 (2008)
- Do You Know How Your Data Was Made? (2025)
- "My Personal Doctor Will not Be Replaced with Any Robot Service!" (2024)
- Documentation of Data Making, Processing and Use Facilitates Future Reuse of Research Data (2024)
- Cultural Heritage Informatics, Old Idea or Emerging Domain? (2024)
- Data Papers as Documentation of Research Processes and Practices (2023)
- Conceptualizing Data Needs within Contexts of Data Discoverability and Reuse (2023)
- Everyday Health Information Literacy and Attitudes Towards Digital Health Services Among Finnish Older Adults (2022)
- Bildning i gränslandet mellan digital humaniora och biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (2021)
- Taking health information behaviour into account in user-centered design of e-health services (2020)
- Aging, every-day information and technology use (2020)
- Classifying Health Information Interactions and their Motivations (2020)
- Supporting open research data practice through data curation and discovery (2020)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behaviour related to online electronic healthcare records (2020)
- Do you want to receive bad news through your patient accessible electronic health record? (2020)
- Library Catalogue Is Not a Community! User Contributions to Online Services of Archives, Libraries and Museums (2019)
- Where to find archaeological information work and how to CAPTURE it? (2019)
- Information behaviour and practises research informing technology and service design (2019)
- Age-related differences in seeking clarification to understand medical record information (2019)
- Relationship Between Everyday Health Information Literacy and Attitudes Towards Mobile Technology Among Older People (2018)
- Alternatives to Being Information Literate (2018)
- Empowering towards healthy behaviours (2016)
- Opinions and use of mobile information technology among older people in Northern Finland (2016)
- Opinions and use of mobile information technology among older people in Northern Finland (2016)
- Working with Digital Humanities (2016)
- Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice (2016)
- Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice (2016)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online medical records (2015)
- Mixed Emotions in Active Social Media Use-Fun and Convenient or Shameful and Embarrassing? (2015)
- Where is the library, or is it an archive? (2014)
- Archives, Libraries and Museums in the Contemporary Society (2014)
- Archaeology of the ballpoint pen (2014)
- Boundary objects in information science research (2014)
- Patient Safety and Patient Privacy When Patient Reading Their Medical Records (2014)
- Crossing the Boundaries in Information Science (2013)
- DOME - Deployment of Online Medical Records and e-Health services (2013)
- Archaeological information in the digital society (2013)
- Learning, Access and MoBility in Cultural Heritage Education (2013)
- Transformation or continuity? The impact of social media on information (2012)
- Länkad data på fältet (2012)
- Authorship and Documentary Boundary Objects (2012)
- Being Formal and Flexible (2012)
- Navigators, Debaters or Information Architects? (2012)
- Social aspects of the ecology of information work (2011)
- Mining qualitative data on human information behaviour from the Web (2011)
- Critical about the clustering of tags (2011)
- Aesthetic judgments in folksonomies as a criteria for organising knowledge (2010)
- Learning, Access, and Mobility (LAMB) for Cultural Heritage Education (2010)
- Learning, Access, and Mobility (LAMB) for Cultural Heritage Education (2010)
- Steps towards a participatory digital library and data archive for archaeological information (2009)
- New modes of information behaviour emerging from the social web (2009)
- The Information Condition (2008)
- To whom it may concern? (2008)
- Entä informaatiokirjoitustaito? (2008)
- Social Capital in Second Life (2008)
- Taking excavation to a virtual world (2018)
- Cancerpatienter och användningen av journal via nätet (2015)
- What about creating and organizing? (2010)
- A systematic sample of 10% of archaeological field reports published in respository in 2018 (2021)
- Uppdragsarkeologisk information i samhället (2015)