Jorijntje Henderiks
Professor in Marine micropaleontology at Department of Earth Sciences; Palaeobiology
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- +46 18 471 23 16
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752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
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752 36 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Jorijntje Henderiks at Department of Earth Sciences; Palaeobiology
- Academic merits:
- Docent
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Short presentation
My research aims at understanding the dynamic interactions between climate and the biosphere, on both short and longer timescales. We study marine, calcifying algae (coccolithophores), using a multi-faceted approach from the fossil record to modern, natural and laboratory environments. Cross-disciplinary collaborations are an important component in this effort.
To get an impression of the organisms we study, please visit the webpage of an exhibit we co-organised in Croatia, 2018-2019.
- algae
- climate change
- coccolithophores
- marine micropaleontology
- ocean research drilling
- paleo-ecology
- paleoceanography
Academic curriculum
2018 Professor of Marine Micropaleontology, Uppsala University
2014 Universitetslektor (Senior Lecturer) in Marine Micropaleontology, Uppsala University
2009 Royal Swedish Academy Research Fellow, Uppsala University
2007 Docent (Associate Professor) in Marine Geoscience, Faculty of Science, Stockholm University
2001 PhD Natural Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (ETH), Zürich
1996 MSc Geology, Free University Amsterdam
Teaching and public outreach
Perspective article in Science (2022), commenting on the discovery of the imprints of coccoliths in Jurassic and Cretaceous black shales, which reveal that calcifying microalgae remained prominent producers during previous extreme ocean conditions.
The Beauty in Detail, Transformation and Structure: Adriatic Coccolithophores - an exhibition that shows the wonderful synergy between science and art. This project was a fruitful collaboration between the Academy of Fine Arts and Faculty of Science (University of Zagreb), Uppsala University and University of Oslo during 2018-2019.
Tiny algae tell big tales - the linkage between marine algae and climate change
Since 2010 I have contributed with lectures at the international Urbino Summer School on Paleoclimatology
External links to our research
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 356 in the news:
Why did ocean productivity decline abruptly 4.6 million years ago? (UU press release 2022-01-18) (på svenska)
New clues discovered for the end of the biogenic bloom
Havsisens utbredning påverkar nederbördsmängder (UU press release 2017-05-11)
Klimat i det långa loppet (popular science presentation in Swedish, Uppsala University, Dept. of Earth Sciences, February 2012)
Minskade koldioxidhalter bidrog till nedisningen av Antarktis: UNT 2011-12-03 and SVT 2011-12-07
Research team members
2022-current: Joseph Asanbe, Doctoral student; 2017-2022: Boris-Theofanis Karatsolis, Doctoral student; 2012-2016: Luka Supraha, Doctoral student; 2013-2016: Manuela Bordiga, Post-doctoral researcher; 2013-2015: Milos Bartol, Researcher; 2011-2013: Andrea Gerecht, Post-doctoral researcher (CEES, UiO, Norway); Baptiste Sucherás-Marx, Post-doctoral researcher; Trond Reitan, Researcher
Research interests
- Cenozoic paleoceanography and climate change
- Marine (phyto)plankton evolution
- Use of biometry in micropaleontology
At Uppsala University, my research is largely dedicated to size evolution in unicellular marine phytoplankton and how this links to changes in biogeochemical cycling, ocean chemistry and algal physiology.
Marine phytoplankton form the basis of the marine food web and are crucial players in the global (re)cycling of carbon and other key elements (e.g. phosphorus, nitrogen). The overall ecological success of marine phytoplankton, but also its taxonomic diversity and size distribution, determines the efficiency by which fixed carbon is transferred to higher trophic levels and into the deep ocean- and sedimentary carbon reservoirs.
Our model organism group, the coccolithophores, rose to global prominence during the Cretaceous and have been the main pelagic producers of carbonate since ~100 million years ago (Ma), which significantly altered global carbon cycling by shifting the main locus of carbonate burial from continental shelves to the deep sea. In past projects, I developed a methodology that allows the quantitative reconstruction of cell diameters and the calcite cell quota of ancient algae based on their fossil coccoliths. Algal cell size (volume-to-surface area ratio) provides physiological constraints on intracellular pH regulation and resource uptake rates, affecting photosynthesis and calcification, and is therefore considered to be a key indicator of adaptation.
Climatic adaptation of marine algae: Paleoceanographic case studies at the fringes of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
The warm climates of the Pliocene Epoch (5.33–2.56 million years ago) may be the best past analog for future warming on Earth: atmospheric CO2 levels were similar to those already reached today (~400 ppmv), and global mean sea surface temperature was 2.7-4°C higher. Warm oceans are more stratified and hold less nutrients in the sunlit surface waters, impacting the abundance and composition of phytoplankton communities that help regulate the global carbon cycle.
Marine algae that are able to sustain photosynthesis and growth with low nutrients, such as the calcifying haptophytes (coccolithophores), are expected to perform better under such conditions. But in order to better understand the long-term impacts of such ecological shifts, we need to study the fossil record of past warm climates. We will investigate fossil time series of the abundance, species composition and cell size variations of coccolithophores. These data will be compared with paleoclimate data from the same tropical deep-sea archives. During August-September 2015, International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 356 recovered continuous sedimentary records from the continental shelf of NW Australia, dating back to 6 million years ago. These unique core sites are located at the fringes of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, a region with the warmest ocean waters on Earth (>28°C), and are ideal to gauge the relationships between warm climate conditions and long-term adaptive strategies of marine algae on this wide tropical shelf.
This 4-year research project (2017-2020) is supported by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet; VR 2016-04434) and will be coordinated with post-cruise collaborative research by other IODP Expedition 356 Scientists from several international laboratories.
PhytoSCALE project (2009-2014)
Concern is growing that rising temperatures, increased levels of atmospheric CO2 and lowering of ocean pH, as well as changes in nutrient availability may disrupt primary productivity in future oceans. Laboratory experiments on modern algae typically resolve genotype-phenotype relationships and short-term plastic responses to environmental gradients, but they rarely accommodate the time scales deemed relevant for adaptive evolution. We combine insights from such short-term experiments with fossil time series data of coccolith size to test hypotheses of adaptive evolution on longer time scales, using novel statistical models that accomodate both ecological and evolutionary time scales.
This research was supported by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through a grant financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project was a multidisciplinary collaboration with colleagues at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), where we received funding from the Norwegian Research Council.
Equator-to-pole gradients in marine phytoplankton evolution (2013-2016)
Current global warming, associated with the rapid release of CO2 by burning of fossil fuels, impacts ecosystems both on land and in the ocean, most notably in polar regions. Marine phytoplankton play a fundamental role in marine ecosystems and are sensitive to climatic change. Still, we lack basic knowledge about their adaptive strategies, making it difficult to predict future ecosystem scenarios.
The fossil record uniquely allows investigating the long-term effects of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) and temperature on marine algae, in contrast to field or laboratory studies that are restricted to short time intervals. We study deep-sea sediments from the Atlantic and Southern Oceans to reconstruct equator-to-pole gradients in phytoplankton composition and cell size during major CO2-driven climate changes in the past. A key example is the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT), when pCO2 dropped and major glaciation of Antarctica occurred ~34 Ma.
This research was funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), and includes collaborations with the University of Parma, Yale University and the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.
Selection of publications
- Fossil imprints from oceans of the past (2022)
- Abrupt conclusion of the late Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom at 4.6-4.4 Ma (2022)
- The Miocene (2021)
- Shifts in Phytoplankton Composition and Stepwise Climate Change During the Middle Miocene (2020)
- The late Miocene to early Pliocene “Humid Interval” on the NW Australian shelf (2020)
- A 15-million-year-long record of phenotypic evolution in the heavily calcified coccolithophore Helicosphaera and its biogeochemical implications (2020)
- Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method II (2020)
- Phosphorus limitation and heat stress decrease calcification in Emiliania huxleyi (2018)
- Australian shelf sediments reveal shifts in Miocene Southern Hemisphere westerlies (2017)
- Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to nutrient limitation (2015)
- Downsizing the pelagic carbonate factory (2014)
- Long-term evolutionary and ecological responses of calcifying phytoplankton to changes in atmospheric CO2 (2012)
- Phenotypic evolution studied by layered stochastic differential equations (2012)
- The Role of Carbon Dioxide During the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation (2011)
- Coccolithophore size rules — Reconstructing ancient cell geometry and cellular calcite quota from fossil coccoliths (2008)
- Coccolithophore cell size and the Paleogene decline in atmospheric CO2 (2008)
Recent publications
- Late Neogene nannofossil assemblages as tracers of ocean circulation and paleoproductivity over the NW Australian shelf (2023)
- Revision of the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biochronology of Arctic Ocean sediments (2023)
- Fossil imprints from oceans of the past (2022)
- Evolutionary Rates in the Haptophyta (2022)
- Abrupt conclusion of the late Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom at 4.6-4.4 Ma (2022)
All publications
- Late Neogene nannofossil assemblages as tracers of ocean circulation and paleoproductivity over the NW Australian shelf (2023)
- Revision of the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biochronology of Arctic Ocean sediments (2023)
- Fossil imprints from oceans of the past (2022)
- Evolutionary Rates in the Haptophyta (2022)
- Abrupt conclusion of the late Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom at 4.6-4.4 Ma (2022)
- Late Miocene Onset of Tasman Leakage and Southern Hemisphere Supergyre Ushers in Near-Modern Circulation (2021)
- The Miocene (2021)
- Shifts in Phytoplankton Composition and Stepwise Climate Change During the Middle Miocene (2020)
- The late Miocene to early Pliocene “Humid Interval” on the NW Australian shelf (2020)
- Plio-Pleistocene Indonesian Throughflow Variability Drove Eastern Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures (2020)
- A 15-million-year-long record of phenotypic evolution in the heavily calcified coccolithophore Helicosphaera and its biogeochemical implications (2020)
- Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method II (2020)
- Timing and Pacing of Indonesian Throughflow Restriction and Its Connection to Late Pliocene Climate Shifts (2019)
- Consistently dated Atlantic sediment cores over the last 40 thousand years (2019)
- The amplifying effect of Indonesian Throughflow heat transport on Late Pliocene Southern Hemisphere climate cooling (2018)
- The enigma of rare Quaternary oolites in the Indian and Pacific Oceans (2018)
- Phosphorus limitation and heat stress decrease calcification in Emiliania huxleyi (2018)
- Combination coccospheres from the Eastern Adriatic coast (2018)
- Reticulofenestra daviesii (2017)
- Indonesian Throughflow drove Australian climate from humid Pliocene to arid Pleistocene (2017)
- Australian shelf sediments reveal shifts in Miocene Southern Hemisphere westerlies (2017)
- A long history of equatorial deep-water upwelling in the Pacific Ocean (2017)
- Bacterial diversity across a highly stratified ecosystem (2016)
- Coccolithophore life-cycle dynamics in a coastal Mediterranean ecosystem (2016)
- Comparison of the cross-shelf phytoplankton distribution of two oceanographically distinct regions off Australia (2015)
- Absolute nannofossil abundance estimates (2015)
- Microfossil evidence for trophic changes during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the South Atlantic (ODP Site 1263, Walvis Ridge) (2015)
- The Eocene-Oligocene transition at ODP Site 1263, Atlantic Ocean: decreases in nannoplankton size and abundance and correlation with benthic foraminiferal assemblages (2015)
- Phosphorus availability modifies carbon production in Coccolithus pelagicus (Haptophyta) (2015)
- Phosphorus availability modifies carbon production in Coccolithus pelagicus (Haptophyta) (2015)
- Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to nutrient limitation (2015)
- High temperature decreases the PIC/POC ratio and increases phosphorus requirements in Coccolithus pelagicus (Haptophyta) (2014)
- Downsizing the pelagic carbonate factory (2014)
- Observations on the life cycle and ecology of Acanthoica quattrospina Lohmann from a Mediterranean estuary (2014)
- Poleward expansion of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (2014)
- Global shifts in Noelaerhabdaceae assemblages during the late Oligocene-early Miocene (2013)
- Reconstructing calcification in ancient coccolithophores (2012)
- Long-term evolutionary and ecological responses of calcifying phytoplankton to changes in atmospheric CO2 (2012)
- A transitional Emiliania huxleyi morphotype (2012)
- Environmental controls on Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes in the Benguela coastal upwelling system (SE Atlantic) (2012)
- Global coccolith size variability in Holocene deep-sea sediments (2012)
- Alkenone producers during late Oligocene-early Miocene revisited (2012)
- Phenotypic evolution studied by layered stochastic differential equations (2012)
- Comment on "Calcareous Nannoplankton Response to Surface-Water Acidification Around Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a" (2011)
- The Role of Carbon Dioxide During the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation (2011)
- The Oligocene nannolith Sphenolithus evolutionary lineage (2010)
- Distribution of large Emiliania huxleyi in the Central and Northeast Atlantic as a tracer of surface ocean dynamics during the last 25,000 years (2010)
- Perturbing phytoplankton (2010)
- Perturbing phytoplankton (2010)
- Coccolithophore size rules — Reconstructing ancient cell geometry and cellular calcite quota from fossil coccoliths (2008)
- Coccolithophore cell size and the Paleogene decline in atmospheric CO2 (2008)
- Refining ancient carbon dioxide estimates: Significance of coccolithophore cell size for alkenone-based pCO2 records (2007)
- A coccolithophore concept for constraining the Cenozoic carbon cycle (2007)
- Nutrient availability modified the evolution of calcifying algae during the past 15 million years
- The adaptive strategies of coccolithophores and their biogeochemical implications (2016)
- Nannofossil assemblage shifts in the aftermath of the Miocene Climatic Optimum - a North Atlantic latitudinal transect (2015)
- Another drop in the ocean ... how to determine absolute coccolith abundance? (2015)
- Eocene-Oligocene shifts in nannofossil assemblages at ODP Site 1263 (Walvis Ridge, Atlantic Ocean) (2015)
- Coccolith morphometrics: Why, how and what’s next? (2015)
- Searching for the Mesozoic pelagic carbonate revolution (2015)
- Strain-specific ecophysiological traits define the response to phosphorus limitation in Helicosphaera carteri (2015)
- Combination coccospheres from the eastern Adriatic coast (Mediterranean Sea) (2015)
- Variations in calcareous nannofossil assemblages during the Eocene-Oligocene transition at mid-latitude: Walvis Ridge ODP Site 1263 (Atlantic Ocean). (2014)
- Paleolatitudinal gradients in marine phytoplankton composition and cell size (2014)
- A long history of equatorial upwelling in the Pacific Ocean (2014)
- Calcareous nannofossils and ocean carbon cycle during the last 450 ka in the NW Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise) (2013)
- Temperature, but not phosphorus limitation, changes the ratio of calcite to organic carbon in Coccolithus pelagicus (2013)
- Phosphorus limitation does not change the ratio of calcite to organic carbon in Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich) (2013)
- The PhytoSCALE project: calibrating phytoplankton cell size as a proxy for climatic adaptation (2013)
- Phytoplankton size: Climatic adaptation and long-term evolution (PhytoSCALE) (2013)
- Phenotypic evolution of the “planktic super-species” Coccolithus pelagicus (2013)
- Testing the impact of calcareous nannofossil size evolution on pelagic carbonate burial over the past 17 million years (2013)
- The late Miocene “paradox” of CO2 climate sensitivity (2013)
- Is phosphate availability significant to the morphological diversity within Helicosphaera carteri? (2013)
- How does phosphorus limitation impact coccolith size and morphology? (2012)
- Phytoplankton size: phenotypic plasticity and long-term evolution (2011)
- Size of marine phytoplankton: Why does it matter? (2011)
- Equator-to-pole gradients in marine phytoplankton size across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (2011)
- Equator-to-pole gradients in marine phytoplankton size across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (2011)
- Miocene mysteries of coccolithophore evolution (2010)
- Marine phytoplankton: Evolutionary rates and climatic adaptation (2010)
- Calcifying phytoplankton biomass and CO2: A striking balance (2010)
- Phytoplankton size (2010)
- The ‘coastal refugia’ hypothesis – a case of the survival of the weakest? (2010)
- The Role of Carbon Dioxide during the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation (2010)