Thomas H. Brobjer

Professor at Department of History of Science and Ideas

+46 18 471 15 72
Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3P
Postal address:
Box 629
751 26 UPPSALA


Research Interests:

  • Nietzsche’s reading and library and influences on Nietzsche.
  • Most aspects of Nietzsche-related research and 19th century culture and science.
  • Interpreting Nietzsche's late books in relation to the revaluation of all values-project.
  • Ancient philosophy and the classical tradition.
  • The relation between humanistic studies and modern natural science.
  • Ethics of virtue.

Teaching Interests:
  • Same as above.
  • General intellectual history – especially antiquity and 19th and 20th century.
  • History of philosophy.
  • The two cultures, and how to understand the world-view of modern science.

Brief curriculum vitae:

First Ph.D. (D.Phil.) in theoretical chemistry or molecular physics at University of Sussex, 1983: “Intermolecular Potentials for Small Polar Molecules”.

Second Ph.D. in intellectual history at Uppsala University, 1995: “Nietzsche's Ethics of Character: A Study of Nietzsche's Ethics and Its Place in the History of Moral Thinking”.

Between 1995 and 1999 university lecturer at Uppsala University and about half-time doing research on Nietzsche in Berlin and Weimar.

Spring-term 2000: Visiting scholar/professor at the department of philosophy, University of Texas at Austin. Fulbright scholarship.

March 2001 – December 2004: Research position (assistant professor) at the department of history of literature and ideas, Stockholm University.

Returned to the position as university lecturer at Uppsala University on 1 January 2005. Head of department the academic year 2006-2007.

A Selection of Many of my Publications (in chronological order according to when written rather than when published):

A1. Nietzsche's Ethics of Character: A Study of Nietzsche's Ethics and its Place in the History of Moral Thinking (Uppsala, 1995). ISSN 0280 - 7238.

A2. Nietzsche's Philosophical Context: An Intellectual Biography. The manuscript has been accepted for publication in the series International Nietzsche Studies, published by the University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago. To be published in June 2007.

A3. Nietzsche and the 'English': British and American Influences on Nietzsche. The manuscript has been accepted for publication in the series JHP Books (Journal of the History of Philosophy Books). To be published in June 2007.

Editor of Books

A'1. Nietzsche and Science. Editor, together with Dr. Gregory Moore. Ashgate Press. (Aldershot, Burlington, 2004). ISBN 0 7546 3402 7

A'2. Brobjer is one of four chief editors of the Swedish edition of Nietzsches samlade verk (Nietzsche's Collected Works) in ten volumes. It will be published during 2000-2009. The first two volumes appeared at the end of 2000, the third 2001, the fourth 2004 and the fifth during 2005.

A'3. Brobjer partook as editor for the special issue of Res Publica 48/50 (December 2000) about Nietzsche.

Published Articles in Scholarly Journals and Books

B1. 'Nietzsches moral och moralkritik', in Från Hermetism till rationell distribution: Föredrag vid idéhistorisk konferens 1992, Red. Bosse Sundin (Idéhistoriska skrifter 14), Umeå 1993, 65-69.
[Written in Swedish: 'Nietzsche's Morality and his Critique of Morality'.]

B2. 'Nietzsches bibliotek: särskilt hans naturvetenskapliga böcker', Lychnos: Årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, 1994, 139-151.
[Written in Swedish: 'Nietzsche's Library: Especially his Books on Natural Science'.]

B3. 'Perspektiv på Nietzsche', Review-article for Lychnos, 1995. (Review and discussion of six books on Nietzsche.) Lychnos, 1995, 197-202.
[Review article written in Swedish: 'Perspectives on Nietzsche'.]

B4. 'On the Revaluation of Values', Nietzsche-Studien 25 (1996), s. 342-348.

B5. 'Beiträge zur Quellenforschung', Nietzsche-Studien 26 (1997), 574-579.

B6. 'Nietzsche's Reading and Private Library 1885-89', Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (1997), 663-693.

B7. 'Platon - En demokratins förespråkare', Tvärsnitt 4 (1997), 46-51.
['Plato - A Defender of Democracy'. Written in Swedish].

B8. 'The Absence of Political Ideals in Nietzsche's Writings: The Case of the Laws of Manu and the Associated Caste-Society', Nietzsche-Studien 27 (1998), 300-318.

B9. 'An Undiscovered Short Published Autobiographical Presentation by Nietzsche from 1872', Nietzsche-Studien 27 (1998), 446f.

B10. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge, Reading and Critique of Political Economy', Journal of Nietzsche Studies 18 (Fall 1999), 57-70.

B11. 'Beiträge zur Quellenforschung 2', Nietzsche-Studien 28 (1999), 356-358.

B12. 'Two of Nietzsche's Letters from 1888 as Published Material', Nietzsche-Studien 28 (1999), 266.

B13. 'Götzen-Hammer: The Meaning of the Expression "To Philosophize with a Hammer"', Nietzsche-Studien 28 (1999), 38-41.

B14. 'Nietzsche's Education at the Naumburg Domgymnasium 1855-1858', Nietzsche-Studien 28 (1999), 302-322.

B15. 'An Undiscovered Short Published Autobiographical Presentation by Nietzsche from 1869', Journal of Nietzsche Studies 17 (Spring 1999), 68-69.

B16. 'Grekiska filosofer och deras namn'. Together with Dr. Johan Flemberg. Medusa 1 (1999), 14-23.
['Greek Philosophers and their Names']

B17. 'Nietzsche's Forgotten Book: The Index to the Rheinisches Museum für Philologie', New Nietzsche Studies 4 (Summer/Fall 2000), 157-161.

B18. 'Nietzsche's Atheism'. First chapter in Nietzsche and the Divine, edited by Jim Urpeth and John Lippitt (Manchester, 2000), 1-13.

B19. The articles 'Nietzsche in Skandinavien', 'Nietzsches Bibliothek', 'Darwinismus' and 'Züchtung' in Nietzsche-Handbuch (Stuttgart, Weimar, 2000), edited by Henning Ottmann, 59-60, 212-213, 360-361 and 516-520.

B20. 'Nietzsches sista oavslutade filosofiska projekt - en omvärdering av alla värden', Res Publica 48/50 (Dec. 2000), 445-450.
['Nietzsche's Last Unfinished Philosophical Project - the Revaluation of All Values']

B21. 'Beiträge zur Quellenforschung 3', Nietzsche-Studien 30 (2001), 418-421.

B22. 'Nietzsche's Changing Relation to Christianity: Nietzsche as Christian, Atheist and Antichrist', in Nietzsche and the Gods (SUNY), edited by Weaver Santaniello (New York, 2001), 137-157.

B23. 'Nietzsche's Changing View of the Sophists', International Studies in Philosophy 33 (Fall 2001), 5-23.

B24. 'Nietzsche's First Four Years at Schulpforta: A Review of Nietzsche Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGW) I.2: Nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen Herbst 1858 - Herbst 1862', review essay for Journal of Nietzsche Studies 21 (Spring 2001), 96-101.

B25. 'A Discussion and a Source of Hölderlin's Influence on Nietzsche', Nietzsche-Studien 30 (2001), 397-412.

B26. 'Why Did Nietzsche Receive a Scholarship to Schulpforta?', Nietzsche-Studien 30 (2001), 322-328.

B27. 'Nietzsche's Attack on Christianity: A Review of Andreas Urs Sommer's Friedrich Nietzsches 'Der Antichrist': Ein philsophisch-historischer Kommentar', review essay for Journal of Nietzsche Studies 21 (Spring 2001), 102-104.

B28. 'Nietzsche as Political Thinker: A Response to D. Dombowsky', Nietzsche-Studien 30 (2001), 394-396.

B29. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Marx and Marxism', Nietzsche-Studien 31 (2002), 298-313.

B30. 'Nietzsche as German Philosopher: His Reading of the Classical German Philosophers.' Nietzsche and the German Tradition, ed. Nicholas Martin (Oxford, 2003), 39-82.

B31. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Kierkegaard'. Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (2003), 251-263.

B32. 'Beiträge zur Quellenforschung 4', Nietzsche-Studien 32 (2003), 438-452.

B33. 'Nietzsche's Reading of Epictetus', Nietzsche-Studien 32 (2003), 429-434.

B34. 'Nietzsche and the Laws of Manu' has been selected to be included in the anthology Eastern Influences on Western Philosophy: A Reader, edited by A. L. Macfie, Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh, 2003), 260-278. Earlier published in Nietzsche-Studien 27 (1998) under the title 'The Absence of Political Ideals in Nietzsche's Writings: The Case of the Laws of Manu and the Associated Caste-Society'. Compare B7.

B35. 'Nietzsche's Affirmative Morality: An Ethics of Virtue', Journal of Nietzsche Studies 26 (Autumn 2003), 64-78.

B36. 'Politik, rasism och nationalism hos Nietzsches', Res Publica 58 (2003), 132-140.
[Politics, Racism and Nationalism by Nietzsche]

B37. 'A Possible Solution to the Stirner-Nietzsche Question'. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 25 (Spring, 2003), 109-114.

B38. 'Nietzsche's Wrestling with Plato' in Nietzsche and Antiquity: His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition, edited by Paul Bishop (Rochester, 2004), 241-259.

B39. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Spinoza' in Spinoza in Nordic Countries, edited by Vesa Oittinen (Helsinki, 2004), 203-216.

B40. 'Women as Predatory Animals or Why Nietzsche Philosophized with a Whip' in A Nietzschean Bestiary: Becoming Animal Beyond Docile and Brutal, edited by Christa Davis Acampora and Ralph R. Acampora (Lanham, 2004), 181-192.

B41. 'Nietzsche's Reading and Knowledge of Natural Science: An Overview'. Presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference in Cambridge, England, Sept. 6-9 2001, published in Nietzsche and Science (2004), edited by Gregory Moore and Thomas Brobjer, 21-50 (cf. A'1).

B42. 'Nietzsche's Reading about Indian Philosophy', Journal of Nietzsche Studies 28 (Autumn 2004), 3-36.

B43. 'Nietzsche's View of the Value of Historical Studies and Methods', Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2004), 301-322.

B44. Assisted in the work of writing a commentary to the late Nietzsche’s letters, led by Dr. Renate Müller-Buck. KGB III.7/3.1 and 2 (Walter de Gruyter, 2004).

B45. 'Nietzsche's Reading about China and Japan', Nietzsche-Studien 34 (2005), 329-336.

B46. 'Beiträge zur Quellenforschung 5', Nietzsche-Studien 34 (2005), 337f.

B47. 'Nietzsche’s Relation to the Greek Sophists', Nietzsche-Studien 34 (2005), 255-276.

B48. 'Sources and Influences on Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy', Nietzsche-Studien 34 (2005), 277-298.

B49. ’Nietzsche’s magnum opus’, History of European Ideas 32 (September 2006), 278-294.

B50. 'Nietzsche's Reading of Women Authors', Zur unterirdischen Wirkung von Dynamit: Vom Umgang Nietzsches mit Büchern zum Umgang mit Nietzsches Büchern, edited by M. Knoche, J.H. Ulbricht and

'Nietzsche's Ethical Development'. Will be published in conference proceedings during 2007. (c. 20 pages)

'Nietzsche's Relation to Historical Methods and Nineteenth Century German Historiography'. Has been accepted for publication in History and Theory (May 2007). (c. 20 pages)

'Socrates as Poet: A Discussion of the Authenticity and Significance of Some Attributed Fragments' (together with Dr. Johan Flemberg). Has been accepted for publication in Eranos during 2007. (c. 15 pages)

'Nietzsche's Critique of Historical Objectivity and the Idea of Progress'. Has been accepted for publication in conference proceedings during 2007. (c. 20 pages)

'Nietzsche, Voltaire and French Philosophy'. Has been accepted for publication in conference proceedings to be published by Walter de Gruyter in 2007. (c. 20 pages) J. Weber, Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden, 2006), 35-46.

Presentations at International Conferences and Workshops

E1. 'Nietzsche's Reading of Aristotle and His Relation to Megalopsychia'. This paper was presented on the third meeting of the International Society for the Classical Tradition, Boston University, 8-12 March 1995. Has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of the Classical Tradition.

E2. 'Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Future - A Return to Past Ideals?' This paper was presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, 16-17 sept. 1995 at the University of Hertfordshire.

E3. 'Nietzsche as German Philosopher: Nietzsche's First and Continued Encounter with the Great German Philosopers.' Presented at the British Friedrich Nietzsche Society's conference at the Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland, Sept. 1997 and will be publisehed in the proceedings.)

E4. 'German Nineteenth Century Views of the Sophists' Presented at the Fourth meeting of the International Society for the Classical Tradition, Tübingen, 29 July-2 Aug. 1998.

E5. 'Nietzsche's Atheism'. Presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, 11-13 Sept. 1998 in London (Greenwich).

E6. 'Nietzsches Norden: Nietzsches Lektüre von skandinavischer Literatur'. Presented as the first contribution at the Nietzsche-conference organized by the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik in Weimar, 2-4 October 1998.

E7. Brobjer took part as teacher/researcher at the 'Nietzsches Philosophen der Zukunft - Studentischer Workshop im Rahmen des Kollegs Friedrich Nietzsche der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik', 26-28 March 1999 in Weimar.

E8. 'Nietzsche's Changing View of the Sophists', at the American Philosophical Association: Central Division Meeting, 5-8 May 1999 in New Orleans. It has also been published in International Studies in Philosophy, Fall 2001.

E9. 'Nietzsche's Affirmative Morality: An Ethics of Virtue', at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, 10-12 Sept. 1999 in Southampton.

E10. 'Nietzsches Privatbibliothek: Eine Quelle zum Verständniss Nietzsches'. Presented as invited speaker at the Nietzsche-conference organized by the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik in Weimar in connection with the foundation of the Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, 15-17 October 1999.

E11. 'Nietzsche's Philosophy', presented at the University of Texas at Austin, 4 March 2000.

E12. 'Nietzsche's Reading of the Philosophers', presented at the University of Trinity, San Antonio, Texas, 31 March 2000.

E13. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Philosophy', presented at the University of Puget Sound, Washington, 24 April 2000.

E14. 'Nietzsche's Education' presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, 8-10 Sept. 2000 in Durham.

E15. 'Nietzsche's Reading and Knowledge of Natural Science: An Overview', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, 7-9 Sept. 2001 in Cambridge.

E16. 'Nietzsche's Wrestling with Plato', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, Sept. 2002 in Glasgow.

E17. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Marx and Marxism', presented at the Nietzsche-conference organized by the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik in Weimar, with the theme 'Nietzsches Bibliothek und Lektüre', 21-23 Sept. 2002.

E18. 'Nietzsche's Knowledge of Spinoza', presented at the Helsinki Spinoza Symposion , 26-27 Sept. 2002 in Helsingfors.

E19. 'Nietzsche och historiefilosofi' (Nietzsche and the Philosophy of History), presented at a symposion at the Södertörns college, 13 December 2002.

E20. 'Nietzsche's Reading about Indian Philosophy', presented as invited speaker at an international conference in Lecce, Italy, 26-28 March 2003. Will be published in the preceedings.

E21. 'Synen på sofisterna under 1800-talet', presented at a conference organized by the department of the history of ideas in Stockholm (I was one of the two organizers) at Hässelby Castle, August 2003.

E22. 'Art and Science in Nietzsche's The Gay Science', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, Sept. 2003 in Warwick.

E23. 'Nietzsche's Reading at the Time of Morgenröthe: The Case of J. Popper'. Invited speaker at the conference "Philosophie de l'Aurore" in Nice/Tourtour, France, 19-24 Sept. 2003, organized by La Fondation des Treilles.

E24. 'Nietzsche's Ethical Development', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, Sept. 2004 at the University of Sussex, England.

E25. 'Nietzsche’s Relation to German Historiography', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, Sept. 2005 at the University of Cambridge, England.

E26. 'Nietzsche and Voltaire' presented at the Nietzsche-Gesellschaft conferens with the theme “Nietzsche und Frankreich“, 24-27 Aug. 2006 in Naumburg, Germany.

E27. 'Nietzsche, Politics and Democracy', presented at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference, March 2007 at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands.


Sixteen reviews of books in Lychnos [all written in Swedish].

Reviews for Lychnos: Årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria.

D1. 'Victorino Tejera, Nietzsche and Greek thought, Lychnos, 1988, 279-280.

D2. 'Keith M. May, Nietzsche and modern literature, Lychnos, 1989, 332-333.

D3. 'Fischer, K. P., History and prophecy: Oswald Spengler and the decline of the West, Lychnos, 1991, 319-320.

D4. 'Furley, D., Cosmic problems, Lychnos, 1991, 293-294.

D5. 'Kajanto, I., ed., Equality and inequality of man in ancient thought, Lychnos, 1991, 301.

D6. 'Long, A.A. and Sedley, D.N., eds., The Hellenistic philosophers, Lychnos, 1991, 301-302.

D7. 'May, K.M., Nietzsche and the spirit of tragedy, Lychnos, 1991, 302-304.

D8. 'Detwiler, B., Nietzsche and the politics of aristocratic radicalism, Lychnos, 1992, 264.

D9. 'Momigliano, A., Alien wisdom: The limits of Hellenization, Lychnos, 1992, 268-269.

D10. 'Wohlfart, G., 'Also sprach Heraklitos': Heraklits Fragment B52 und Nietzsches Heraklit-Rezeption, Lychnos, 1992, 282-283.

D11. 'Schaberg, W. H., The Nietzsche Canon: A Publication History and Bibliography, Lychnos, 1996, 238.

D12. 'Lampert, L., Leo Strauss and Nietzsche, Lychnos, 1996, 308-309.

D13. 'Owen, D., Nietzsche, Politics & Modernity: A Critique of Liberal Reason, Lychnos, 1996, 321-322.

D14. Graham Parkes, ed., Nietzsche and Asian Thought. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1991, pocket 1996. pp. 253.

D15. Graham Parkes, Composing the Soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1994. pp. 481.

D16. Frank Simon-Ritz, Die Organisation einer Weltanschauung: Die freigeistige Bewegung im Wilhelmischen Deutschland, Band 5 in the series Religiöse Kulturen der Moderne. Gütersloh, Chr. Kaiser Güterloher Verlagshaus, 1997. pp. 259, 148 DM bound.

Scientific Publications in the Fields of Chemistry and Physics


G1. Intermolecular potentials for small polar molecules (Doctoral dissertation at the University of Sussex in theoretical chemisty, 1983)

Scientific Articles:

H1. V. Boggaram, T. Brobjer, K. Larsson and B. Mannervik, 'Purification of Glutathione Reductase from Porcine Erythrocytes of the Use of Affinity Chromatography on 2',5'-ADP-sepharose 4B and Crystallization of the Enzyme', Analytical Biochemistry, 98, 335 (1979).

H2. J.T. Brobjer and J.N. Murrell, 'A Comparison of the Multipole Expansion and Point Charge Models of the Electrostatic Energy between Polar Diatomic Molecules', Chem. Phys. Lett., 77, 601 (1981).

H3. J.T. Brobjer and J.N. Murrell, 'A Method for Calculating the Electrostatic Energy between SmallPolar Molecules: The Multipole-fitted Point-charge Method', J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 78, 1852 (1982)

H4. J.T. Brobjer, 'Discussion', Faraday discussion., Chem. Soc., 73, 123:128 (1982)

H5. J.T. Brobjer and J.N. Murrell, 'Geometries of van der Waals Complexes of Small Polar Molecules', J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 79, 1455 (1983)

H6. J.T. Brobjer and J.N. Murrell, 'The Intermolecular Potential for HF', Mol. Phys., 50, 885 (1983)

H7. S. Bosanac, J.T. Brobjer and J.N. Murrell, 'Second virial coefficient of gaseous HF and rotational inelastic scattering for HF-HF collisions', Mol. Phys., 51, 313 (1984)


This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

Mina senast publicerade böcker är (My latest published books are):

A4. Nietzsche’s ‘Ecce Homo’ and the Revaluation of All Values: Dionysian versus Christian Values. Published by Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.

A5. Nietzsche’s Reading and Knowledge of Philosophy: A Study, Survey and Handbook, Peter Lang, 2023.

A6. ‘Twilight of the Idols’ and Nietzsche’s Late Philosophy, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

A7. The Close Relationship between Nietzsche’s Two Most Important Books, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023.


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Thomas H. Brobjer

