

  • Period: 2021-01-01 – 2028-12-31
  • Budget: 30,000,000 SEK
  • Funder: Swedish Research Council
  • Type of funding: Forskningsinfrastruktur

About the project

HumInfra is a research infrastructure under construction that coordinates resources for research based on qualified quantitative, often multidisciplinary, analyses in the humanities and social sciences.

HumInfra combines expertise from 11 higher education institutions and organisations, partly in the digital humanities with a focus on e-science/digital materials, tools and critical interpretive perspectives, and partly in fields working with experimental and quantitative methods, sensor-based data and real-time analytics.

The aim of HumInfra is to:

  1. create a web-based information platform that compiles and links to existing digital/e-scientific resources and training opportunities in Sweden;
  2. conduct a national survey among researchers on what tools and training are lacking;
  3. based on this survey, develop new tools and national training opportunities that become widely available;
  4. continuously link and integrate the Swedish resources to international ones through a future Swedish membership in the European consortium Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH-EU).

The Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University (CDHU), which spans both the humanities and social sciences, is an important component of HumInfra.

Lund University serves as the host of HumInfra, and the other participants and partner universities are Uppsala University, Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg, Royal Institute of Technology, Umeå University, the National Library of Sweden, the National Archives of Sweden, Linnaeus University, Halmstad University and Blekinge University.

