Research at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology

Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology are disciplines with many similarities. With a focus on human beings in contemporary society, the department's research has great thematic diversity with research projects scattered all over the world. Ethnological research at the department tends to have a greater historical depth and a focus on our immediate environment in Sweden, while anthropological research is often contemporary with a more global focus. However, the geographical boundaries are not fixed. For example, ethnological research at the department can be about aid workers in East Africa and anthropological research on wildfires in Sweden. Below you can read what themes are currently being researched.

Gästforskare Inna Shvorak håller en presentation.

Reserach Environments

The department also has two thematic research environments.

Presentation of the department's anthropologists, which was made for the SANT-conference 2024


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