Large grant to brain tumour research

Sven Nelander has together with the co-applicants Christer Betsholtz and Bengt Westermark at IGP, and Philip Gerlee and Rebecka Jörnsten at University of Gothenburg, been granted SEK 30 million from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).

The grant was awarded in the SSF call for proposals Systems Biology. Systems biology is a growing research area that aims to understand complex relationships in complete biological systems.

“In our project, Focus on Glioblastoma, we will combine mouse models, imaging, single cell profiling and stochastic simulations to understand functional diversity and effects of drugs in the brain tumour glioblastoma. Our goal is to better understand how the disease progresses and to identify new opportunities for treatment. The project builds on the unique environment in brain tumour research that we have here at IGP, says Sven Nelander

In the present call for application SSF has granted in total SEK 300 million for five years to nine projects.

More information:
Press release from SSF (in Swedish)
Sven Nelander’s research (Link removed)
Christer Betsholtz’ research (Link removed)
Bengt Westermark’s research (Link removed)

