Erken Laboratory
Since 1940, the Erken field station has served as a research station for both researchers and students at Uppsala University. During the early years, activities mainly occured during the summer, but during the past twenty years has developed so that activities take place throughout the year, including winter course in Limnology and year-round research programs. Erken Laboratory has developed an extensive long-term monitoring program for Lake Erken, which led to participation in several major EU projects focused on the effects of climate change and the automatic monitoring of phytoplankton development in the lakes. The Erken Laboratory field station is part of SITES, the Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science.
Read about the history of Erken Laboratory

Staying at Erken Laboratory
Erken Laboratory is open for courses, guest scientists and trainees from Uppsala University as well as from other research and educational institutions

Water days
Read more about our educational water days for students and teachers

Lake monitoring programme
Lake Erken is one of the very few lakes in Northern Europe that has a long history of monitoring

Research at Erken Laboratory
Our research focuses on long-term monitoring of water quality, climate effects on aquatic systems, circulation of nutrients, and population and community dynamics in lakes

Analytical services
The Erken laboratory has an analytical lab that is specialised on quality-certified analyses for water chemistry, sediment chemistry and phytoplankton analyses

Contact information
Dolly Kothawala
Associate Professor at Limnology, Uppsala University
Postal and visiting address
Norra Malmavägen 45
Find us
The field station is located at the south-western shore of lake Erken, 70 km north-east of Stockholm. The nearest bus stop (Norrmalma) is along route 76, 1 km (ca 20 minutes at a leasurely pace) by foot from the station.
The nearest large town is Norrtälje. From Stockholm, take bus 676; from Uppsala, take bus 677; from Arlanda airport, take bus 806/677 (change at Åby vägskäl). From Norrtälje, travel 10 km north by one of the following buses: 641, 637, 636, UL808. Stop at Norrmalma.
For more information, go to the Stockholm area local transport (SL) homepage.
Using a GPS
When using a GPS to find your way, Google Maps and similar programs often won't let you use the main route between route 76 and the station, since it's technically a private road. Ignore this! Travel to the station is permitted. Don't use the alternative route, it will damage your vehicle.
WGS 84 (lat, lon): N 59⁰ 50.192', E 18⁰ 38.527'
WGS 84 decimal (lat, lon): 59.83653, 18.64212
RT90: 6638633, 1659053
SWEREF: 99:6638817, 704082