Prospective students
We welcome prospective students at any level who are interested in writing their essays on topics linked to the ENABLE project. Potential themes include, but are not limited to:
- The relationship between natural hazard events and public-policymaking, including policy change or stability, policy-oriented learning, and institutional inertia or renewal
- Single or comparative case-studies of policy-making in the wake of extreme natural hazard events
- Studies examining natural hazard events and policy-making specifically in the context of low-income countries, potentially including issues linked to sustainable development
- Methodological advances to explore the link between natural hazard events and policy-making
Example essays:
Eriksson, Rebecca (2020). Natural Hazard Events and Social Trust: Evidence from a natural experiment on the social consequences of disasters. Master thesis.
Grünfeld, Hannes (2023). Climate Resilient Development and Disasters: Trend analysis of policy change after milestone events in the period 2000 - 2020. Bachelor thesis.
Lindqvist, Elsa (2022). Naturkatastrofer, riskperception och agendasättande i Sverige: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av offentliga dokument från Sveriges riksdag. Bachelor thesis.
Petersen, Lotte (2023). Exploring Disaster Impacts on Climate Mitigation Policy Change in Latin America. Bachelor thesis.
Thomas, Astrid (2023). Local Governance Structure and the Level of Implementation of Climate Adaptation Measures in 653 Cities Globally. Bachelor thesis.
Wedholm, Johanna (2021). Climate related hazards and changes in adaptive capacity. Master thesis.
Wedholm, Johanna (2020). Policy change after natural hazards: A systematic large-N study using narrative analysis. Bachelor thesis.
Wennerholm, Malin (2018). Svensk valrörelse i lågor: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av de svenska riksdagspartiernas uttalanden under torkan och skogsbränderna sommaren 2018. Bachelor thesis.
Interested students are welcome to contact Daniel Nohrstedt: