Research at Department of Government

The Department of Government is a modern social science department with a rich historical heritage. Our research is international in focus and characterized by disciplinary curiosity and methodological innovation. See our seminar series here.

Research Projects

Between freedom of movement and hard borders: the implementation of internal border controls as a challenge or continuation of European integration

Children’s participation and the outcome of care in Swedish child and family welfare

Contributivism: On Practices, Debates and Attitudes About Grounding Democratic Inclusion on Economic Contributions

Democracy and the Social Question

Democratic Self-Defense: The Social Model

Defending or defeating democracy? Civil society and electoral autocracy in Kenya and Uganda

Equalising political participation through upper secondary education?

Expert government agencies’ contribution to public deliberation: balancing the need for expertise with political equality

Gender Aspects on Election Violence

Gender Politics and Electoral Authoritarianism

Gender, politics and violence in Thailand

Gender and social media in contentious elections

Global Economic Crisis

Governing public professions: Performance management and professional autonomy in the police and military

How can trade unions contribute to increase gender equality in worklife?

How does national inspections affect welfare professions?

Is parliament a gender equal workplace?

Liberal Nationalism in the Welfare State

Living on contested land after war

Mapping Women Peacemakers: Exploring the “More Women-More Peace” Nexus

Mechanisms of Trust: Citizens and societal institutions in three marginalized residential areas

Nature via Nurture: Using novel methods to shed new light on how gene-environment interactions shape social, economic and political attitudes and behavior

Nationhood in a Pandemic, Nordic Gold or Nordic Noir?

New roles in a hostile world? How liberal states are changing their foreign policy in a new security environment

Opposition to Gender Equality Policies in the European Multi-Level Space: The Case of Abortion

Parties, politicians, and personal ties: An individual-based approach to coalition formation research

Persona Project

Rationalism and Counterfactuality. Observations and conclusions from a life as a scholar

Reminder Project

School strikes for climate

Shades of Civic Activism: State – Labour Relations in India and Ethiopia

State - Labour Relations under Authoritarian Rule: Co-optation, Cooperation, Coexistence, Contestation

The dream of an equal society: nostalgia or living vision?

The Everyday Practice of Paying Taxes in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Fateful Year of 1809. How Swedish history could have been different

The Heavy Metal Project

The independent role of research in society and the primacy of the will of the people

The Origin and Reproduction of Political Inequality: Political Mobility in Sweden over the past 100 years

The Paradox of Political Opposition in Multilevel Europe

The political significance of work

The politics of public investment

The Politics of Resentment in Sweden and the United States: Emotion Motivation and Identity

Thomas Hobbes and Liberty of Conscience


Understanding the Pippi Longstocking Paradox and Statist Individualism

Varieties of Peace

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