Knowledge and innovation in municipal planning's strategies for socially sustainable land use and combating
segregation: housing research in collaboration with Uppsala and Botkyrka municipalities

Several challenges currently confront municipal planning in order to break segregation and provide socially sustainable housing that enhance the position of low-income and disadvanteged groups on the Swedish housing market. These challenges concern the organizational collaboration and arrangement of planning as well as how land use decisions better can support a diverse housing development and socially mixed areas. Thus, this research and innovation project aims to strengthen municipal planning's prerequisites and opportunities to achieve
housing policy goals for a socially sustainable housing provision.

The parties consist of researchers from the Institute for housing and urban research, planners from Uppsala and Botkyrka municipalities, and representatives of the public housing company Botkyrkabyggen.

Innovations are promoted through three work packages:

1) the establishment of a forum where planning and housing actors, through various co-working meetings and workshops, exchange knowledge and discuss solutions to concrete problems in housing provision;

2) learning-oriented case studies in each municipality with the aim of strengthening strategic and efficient land use in densely
built environments. This not least affects the conditions for promoting socially mixed areas; and

3) high-quality social science research based in the project's purpose and research questions, resulting in publications and presentations at conferences and other relevant contexts.

Project start





Irene Molina, Professor in Human Geography, IBF (Project Leader)
Alexander Kalyukin, researcher in Human Geography, IBF
Ilhan Kellecioglu, researcher assistent, IBF

Collaboration partners

Jessica Nilsson, Urban planner, Botkyrka Municipality
Fredrik Holmgren, Urban planner, Botkyrka Municipality
Emma Ringqvist, Urban planner, Uppsala Municipality
Örjan Trapp, Urban planner, Uppsala Municipality
Charlotte Ekfeldt, Business Development Manager, Botkyrkabyggen

