DanioReadout service facility

We provide leading technologies for genetic disease modelling and substance exposure integrated with phenotypic evaluation in the zebrafish embryo.

Our vision

Zebrafish animal model has been rapidly developing and is now recognized as a complementary system to rodents for studying bases of human diseases. The possibility of performing automated high-throughput screens at low-cost is unique for this model organism. DanioReadout offers a versatile pipeline with a palette of advanced tools for embryo manipulation and phenotype characterisation.

Sketch of the work at the facility

What we do

DanioReadout provides full-offer, customized, genome engineering and substance exposure service integrated with phenotypic evaluation in the intact zebrafish embryo.

Our three main service areas are: modelling of human genetic diseases, with experience of generating nearly 200 novel gene knock-out models, substance exposure studies and human cancer modelling.

All services areas are integrated with a unique in-house developed automated image capture pipeline and data analysis using artificial intelligence. We are open to meet facility users’ needs, by developing disease models and analysis methods specific for each project.

User experiences

“I have worked closely with the zebrafish facility in Uppsala and GEZ since 2012 and have gotten excellent support in a various projects, including the construction of novel zebrafish lines.” – PI, University of Gothenburg, Inst. for Neuroscience and Physiology.

Excellent in generating new genetic models, developing their offer to the user needs and expanding their expertise to unsure the users can perform world-standard research.” – PI, Uppsala University, IGP

The service provided by the facility is essential to our work. The expertise the facility provides is unique in Sweden and has had a wider positive impact allowing many labs to have access to advanced techniques that no single lab can build alone.”  – PI, Karolinska Institute, Department of Neuroscience.


E-mail: danioreadout@uu.se

Uppsala University
Rudbeck Laboratory, IGP
Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 20

