Capital Market Law

The research is mainly focused on company law, particularly private limited company law, corporate governance, transaction law, stock market and stock exchange law, and laws concerning transactions in securities, as well as business law.

An important purpose with the research is to investigate the subject field’s fundamental principles, methods, and systematic and to show how knowledge about this can be used in legal problem solving, in supervision, and in regulation of capital market law contexts.

The basis for the research is the contents of the law in force. The capital market law research fields are characterised by a fast developing law, which often has its background in European or international law.

The research field borders to property law, insolvency law, accountancy law, and tax law. Parts of the research in the subject of corporate law, for example on corporate governance, owner structures, and capital issues, falls within this field.

Current research

The research during the last years has had its main emphasis on private limited company law and stock market law. Lately, several new research projects have been added in a wider field of capital market law.

In stock market and stock exchange law research is conducted on Swedish, European, and international acquisitions, and company transfers, particularly take-over offers, management buy outs, and mergers and acquisitions, as well as the role of bonus programmes on the stock market.

Furthermore, a study on the future need of stock exchange law research is carried out. The research on corporate governance is also conducted in project with focus on labour law issues respective insolvency law that is questions about business reconstruction and bankruptcy.

Other projects studies regulation and supervision of the capital market, e.g. studies of good practice as a regulation technique, self-regulation at the capital market, and on financial regulation and supervision in banks.


Daniel Statin


Daniel Stattin, Professor
Rebecca Söderström, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer

