Private Law

Research in private law at the faculty is extensive, comprehensive and covers fundamental topics within both traditional and modern private law.

An important field of study is how the interaction between individuals develops and relate to the social and conceptual changes in modern society. Important questions are, among others, how the privatisation of society’s previous welfare responsibilities affects individual’s rights, how societal structures influence relations between parties, liability issues and funding forms, as well as how the Swedish or Nordic model will hold in an internationalised world.

In addition to wide-ranging research concerning the private law regulation, there are also studies in how changes in ideas can affect the juridical argumentation and how the legal solutions thus are legitimatised and valued from a social perspective.

Choose one of our 9 private law subfields if you want to know more about these fields of research.

Private Law subfields:

Capital Market Law
Family Law
General Private Law
Intellectual Property Law and Market Law
Labour Law
Language and Discourse Dimensions
Property and Insolvency Law
Real Property Law
Tort and Insurance Law


Anna Singer, Professor


Marianne Rödvei Aagaard, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Haddis Akbari, Doctoral student
Ahmad Alakhal, Doctoral student
Håkan Andersson, Professor
Alfred Berg, Doctoral Student
Kristina Borodina, Doctoral Student
Silvia A. Carretta, Doctoral Student
Bengt Domeij, Professor
Karin Eklund, Doctoral Student
Sandra Friberg, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Therése Fridström Montoya, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Jameson Garland, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Erik Grahn, Doctoral Student
Mikael Hansson, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Sara Hovi, Doctoral Student
Torbjörn Ingvarsson, Professor
Caroline Johansson, Senior Lecturer
Marc Landeman, Senior Lecturer
Bert Lehrberg, Professor
Bengt Lindell, Professor Emeritus
Sanna Mossberg, Doctoral Student
Mikael Möller, Professor Emeritus
Lisa Nordlund, Doctoral Student
Marigó Oulis, Senior Lecturer
Eliabeth Stuart Perry, Senior Lecturer
Pär-Olof Persson, Doctoral Student
Annika Rejmer, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Joel Samuelsson, Professor
Jonatan Schytzer, Senior Lecturer
Anna Singer, Professor
Daniel Stattin, Professor
Peter Strömgren, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Benjamin Svensson, Doctoral Student
Rebecca Söderström, Associate Professor and senior lecturer
Naomi Umuhoza, Doctoral Student
Alexander Unnersjö, Senior Lecturer
Laila Zackariasson, Professor


Research projects

